User Activity Report

The User Activity report is a standard billing report found under the Billing Dashboard, in Reports. This report is used to track payments or charges entered in to the system by a specific user. Only unapplied Single Payments will appear on this report. Unapplied Split Payments will not appear on this report.


Summary – lists the totals for treatments entered, payments received and the overall total of what was entered (Total charges minus payments received minus adjustments).
Detailed – further breaks down each user showing specifically what was added.
This shows the date (service date for charges, payment date for payments and adjustments), the patient’s account number and name, the related provider who rendered that charge or charge where payment is applied to, the user who entered it, the treatment code that was added or where they payment is applied, the transaction type (rendered means the treatment was added otherwise it is the payment type) and the amount of what was added.



Start Date/End Date – only includes charges whose service date is in the specified range and payments and adjustments whose date of payment is in the specified range.
Providers – only shows the activity for that one provider. This filters the user who entered it, not the provider who rendered the charge that was added or charge where that payment is applied.
Locations – only include activity related to the selected locations.
Users – only include activity by the selected users.
Date Filter – designates whether the date range should reference the specified service date/payment date or the date that charge/payment was entered into the system.

Sample Reports

useractivity1.JPG useractivity2.JPG
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