This page will explain the types of templates available.
What are Templates?
Templates are the primary basis for most screens in TRAKnet 3.1. They allow for complete customization of how the practice views patient information, encounter forms, and various other documents in the practice.
Templates are accessed via the UserName drop-down menu under UserName > Manage Templates in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. There are a variety of templates available in TRAKnet 3.1 that will customize and change a variety of screens, detailed below:
Template Types
TRAKnet 3.1 has several different types of templates that you can modify throughout the system to customize each screen and feature in TRAKnet. The different types of templates that can be modified from the Manage Templates screen are listed below:
- Dashboards
- Dashboards are the central point of the patient's chart. They are designed to collection, present and preview patient information and structured data from the EHR.
- Document Header
- Document Headers, or Practice Headers, are mini-templates that are meant to populate in the header of various other templates and forms. They typically contain the practice's address information.
- Encounter Forms
- Encounter Forms are the basis for charting in TRAKnet 3.1. They use a "fill in the blanks" method to allow for customizable and easy charting. Encounters are created with Encounter Forms as their basis.
- Family History
- The Family History template determines how the family history information will be inserted into a dashboard or encounter form, etc.
- Goals
- Goals templates are any documents that will populate with the «Goals» hyperlink that will be embedded in any other template form (most likely Encounters). TRAKnet 3.1 comes with a sample of "Weight Loss" as a goals template.
- HPI, or History of Present Illness, are mini-templates used for charting. They are mini templates specific to certain conditions or complaints that can be embedded or inserted as needed to customize a patient's visit to their present visit. TRAKnet 3.1 comes with a variety of podiatry-specific HPI mini-templates.
- Lab Reports
- Lab Report templates will be used in the Lab Results link.
- Messages
- Messages are document templates meant to streamline internal communications in the office when utilizing the tasks/messages feature.
- Other
- A category for miscellaneous templates.
- Past Medical History
- The Past Medical History template populates with the «PastMedicalHistory» link and determines how that information is presented. It can also be accessed from the Medical Hx button on the patient's chart.
- Past Surgical History
- The Past Surgical History template populates with the «PastSurigcalHistory» link and determines how that information is presented. It can also be accessed from the Surgical Hx button on the patient's chart.
- Patient Documents
- Patient Documents are document templates that will populate on the Patient Forms link of the patient's chart.
- Patient Education
- Patient Education documents that can be generated to provide additional documentation. This is a requirement as part of Meaningful Use.
- Patient Forms
- Patient Forms are documents entirely customizable to the office's needs. These are accessed under Patient Forms on the right-hand side of the patient's chart and can be used for a variety of purposes, such as discharge forms, sign in sheets, etc.
- Patient Summaries
- Patient Summaries are the Clinical Care Document, or CCDA, required to be given to patients for meaningful use. TRAKnet comes with two potential defaults that can then be modified as needed.
- Physical Examination
- Physical Examination, or PE, are mini-templates used with the «PE» hyperlink. TRAKnet comes with several podiatry-specific templates pre-loaded in.
- Plan
- The plan category of templates are mini-templates containing several Plan related items for followup. They can be embedded or inserted into the Encounter. TRAKnet comes with a handful of podiatry-specific items loaded in.
- TRAKnet comes preloaded with several PQRS mini-templates to assist with easy completion of PQRS measures. For more information on PQRS in TRAKnet 3.1, click here.
- Procedures
- These templates populate the «Procedures» hyperlink.
- Referral Forms
- Referral Forms are also known as referral letters. These can be generated from the Referrals button on the patient's chart.
- ROS, or Review of Systems, is the template that will populate with the «ROS» link. This will come pre-loaded but can be modified or changed as needed.
- Social History
- The Social History template determines what information will be required in the Social Hx button on the patient's chart. This can also be embedded into Encounters with the «SocialHistory» link.
- Superbills
- The Superbills template determines what superbill document will print when using the Tools > Batch Print Superbills feature of TRAKnet . This can be converted from older versions of TRAKnet, or customize and changed as needed.
- Treatment Templates
- Treatment Templates are mini-templates that will populate behind any treatment code when that code is manually typed into the Encounter, e.g. 99212 will populate the words "Office Visit."
- Visit Notes
- The Visit Notes template type determines the templates available with the visit notes link.
Modifying Templates
Templates that have been downloaded into TRAKnet can be modified at any time to allow further customization of your TRAKnet experience.
To access the Modify Templates window, from any screen in TRAKnet 3.1 click the (User Name) in the upper right-hand corner of the screen and select “Manage Templates” from this drop-down menu. This will open the Manage Templates screen.
Templates in TRAKnet are broken up into various Types, or categories, to help organize your database. To choose which template you would like to modify, from the top of the screen, select the TemplateType drop-down menu and choose the category of the template you are looking to modify. These categories include such templates as Encounter Forms, Family History, HPI, and Dashboards.
Once the Template Type has been selected, you may now select the specific template from that category to modify. From the Existing Templates drop-down menu in the upper portion of the screen, choose the specific template you are going to modify, and click “Select.” This will open the document in the word processing window in the bottom portion of the screen.
After opening the desired template, you may make any desired changes to the body of this template. All templates function as typical word processing documents and can be edited freely as such. The navigational bar along the right-hand side of the screen will allow for the insertion of various Quick Links and Data Fields to pre-populate information in the various templates you have created. To insert a Quick Link, place your cursor where you would like the link to be inserted, and select your desired Quick Link from the menu on the right-hand side of the screen.
An explanation of data fields and quick links can be found below:
- Patient Fields – These fields are used to populate relevant information to that patient such as Age, DOB, and Name.
- Patient Data – These fields will pull over medical information pertinent to the patient, such as Patient History, Lab Results, Active Medications and Allergies, and Primary Diagnosis.
- Visit Fields – These fields will allow you to populate visit specific information in the note, such as ROS, HPI, and more visit specific fields such as Visit Date, Problems, or Provider.
- Misc. – These fields contain any information that is not patient or visit specific, such as Practice information and UserName fields.
- Billing – These fields include billing related information such as Marital Status, Legal Representative, and Monthly Due Date.
Template Font Settings
It is possible to alter the font settings on an entire group of templates. This is done at the template type level.
To do this, from the UserName > Manage Templates screen, select a templatetype. We recommend NOT doing this with the EncounterForms template type, as any minor formatting, such as bolded headers, etc. will be overwritten.
After selecting a template type, click the "Select Font to Apply to all Templates in …" to open a pop-up window where you can set the font, style, and size for those templates.