This page will explain how to export CCDA's to specialized registries and how to upload CCDA's to MedXpress for registry submission for Meaningful Use and PQRS.
Specialty Registry
To export CCDA's to an XML file or upload to a registry, go to Reports on the top toolbar and click on Specialized Registries.
The Specialty Registry screen has several filtering options. These are:
- Provider — This dropdown will allow you to filter encounters by a specific visit provider.
- Facility — This dropdown will allow you to filter encounters by a specific facility or location.
- Search Method — This dropdown will allow you to search for encounters based on patient first name, patient last name, or the encounter number.
- Search Criteria — This dropdown will modify your Search Method to allow the search to show results that begin with the search text, contain the search text, end with the search text, or completely equal the search text.
- Note Date — These calendars will allow you to filter encounters by a date range based on the note date.
- Charted — This dropdown will allow you to filter encounters by whether they are signed or not.
- Bill Ready — This dropdown will allow you to filter encounters by whether the invoice has been marked as ready or not.
- Exported — This dropdown will allow you to filter encounters by whether or not they have already been exported or uploaded to a registry.
- Show Deleted — This checkbox will allow you to see deleted encounters in your results, highlighted in red text.
- ICD-10 Codes — This search will allow you to filter encounters by ICD-10 diagnosis codes. Partial codes can be searched for with a wildcard (%) symbol. For example, searching for 'M21%' will show encounters that include M21.40 and M21.41. From the registry dropdown to the right, selecting MedXpress will pre-populate 7 heel pain and flat foot ICD-10 codes which can then be used to filter the search.
After searching for encounters, select each encounter to be exported by checking the checkbox on the left side of the row, or use the Select button at the top of the screen to select all displayed encounters. Then click the Export button and choose a filepath to save the CCDA, which will save as an XML file.
Advancing Care Information Training Video
See below for more information on the Specialized Registry measure of Advancing Care Information: