The new TRAKnet Patient Portal was released on June 29th, 2018. Click here to learn more about setting up the new portal. The below information is ARCHIVED.
This page will explain the basics of Secure Messaging, how to receive secure messages into TRAKnet, and how to link those messages back to a patient's chart.
Table of Contents
Secure Messaging
CMS defines secure messaging as:
Any electronic communication between a provider and patient that ensures only those parties can access the communication. This electronic message could be email or the electronic messaging function of a PHR, an online patient portal, or any other electronic means.
Through secure messaging, patients and providers are able to communicate on matters relevant to the patient's healthcare. Secure messaging is one of the biggest focuses of Advancing Care Information.
Secure Messaging and TRAKnet
To complete secure messaging in TRAKnet, the practice must first configure their direct email address. To complete this, click on the (UserName) drop-down menu in the upper right-hand corner of TRAKnet, then click Configure Direct Email Address. This will require restarting TRAKnet to complete. Upon logging back in, the user will notice that the Inbox tab along the left-hand side of TRAKnet is now active. Clicking this tab will open the practice's Direct inbox, where a welcome message will be awaiting them. Going forward, this is where all secure messages sent from patients will be received.
Receiving Messages
The Inbox tab of TRAKnet will function very similarly to any email application, such as Outlook. To check for new messages, click the Send/Receive button at the top of the screen. New messages will be in bold, and the Inbox tab will appear red with a number in parentheses if there are any new messages to read. You can switch back and forth between inbox pages by clicking on the arrow buttons at the bottom of the inbox. You can also navigate to a specific page by entering in that page number in the text box and hitting enter.
To open a message, click on the message in the inbox. This message will then appear on the right-hand portion of the screen next to the inbox.
Please note that messages cannot be removed. As these messages are health information for a patient, they should not be deleted.
Linking a Message to the Patient's Chart
When a message has been received from a patient, it is important to then link the message back to the patient's chart. This message will then be stored on the patient's chart as structured data and will ensure successful completion of Advancing Care Information.
To link a message to a patient's chart, select the message you would like to link. In the preview of the message, click on the blue "Import Message to Patient's Chart" icon. This will open a patient search window.
In the patient search window, you can either search for a patient by any relevant demographic criteria to find the correct patient. Alternatively, if the patient has already sent a message in the past and their Direct Email address has been documented, the system will find that patient automatically based on the unique criteria of Direct Email.
Once the patient has been found, select the patient in the list and click "Import to Patient Chart." This message will then be saved to the patient's electronic chart for future reference. Note: If a message has already been imported to another patient you will receive a warning indicating that the message has already been added to a patient's chart.
View Secure Messages from the Patient's Chart
Once a message has been imported into the patient's electronic chart, you may view the message again later by searching for the patient and clicking on the Secure Messages tab on their chart (see: Patient's Chart Navigation. From here you may open the message, print the message, or review the message as needed.
Advancing Care Information
This measure is part of the performance measures for Advancing Care Information. It is described as:
Secure Electronic Messaging
Measure: For at least one patient seen by the MIPS eligible clinician during the performance period, a secure message was sent using the electronic messaging function of CEHRT to the patient (or the patient-authorized representative), or in response to a secure message sent by the patient (or the patient authorized representative), during the performance period.
Required for Base Score (50%): No
Percentage of Performance Score (up to 90%): Up to 10%
No bonus points available
Steps in TRAKnet 3.0
You must configure your direct email address for this measure.
- From any main screen in TRAKnet, click on the UserName in the upper right-hand corner.
- Click Configure Direct Email Address.
- After receiving confirmation, restart TRAKnet.
To view messages and import to a patient's chart:
- Click on the Inbox tab along the left-hand side of TRAKnet.
- Select a message to read the message.
- Click the Import Message to Patient's Chart button on the message.
- Search for the patient the message is from.
- Click Okay.
- The secure message can now be found on the patient's chart under the Secure Messages tab.
Training Video
See below for more information on the Secure Messaging measure of ACI:
(ARCHIVED) Meaningful Use
Secure messaging is a required measure in Meaningful Use for 2015.
Objective #9
Secure Messaging
Stage 2
Measure: For an EHR reporting period in 2015, the capability for patients to send and receive a secure electronic message with the EP was fully enabled during the EHR reporting period.
Exclusion: Any EP who has no office visits during the EHR reporting period, or any EP who conducts 50 percent or more of his or her patient encounters in a county that does not have 50 percent or more of its housing units with 4Mbps broadband availability according to the latest information available from the FCC on the first day of the EHR reporting period.
Stage 1
Alternate Exclusion: An EP may claim an exclusion for the measure if for an EHR reporting period in 2015 they were scheduled to demonstrate Stage 1, which does not have an equivalent measure.
Meaningful Use Webinar
The below webinar link begins right at Objective 9.