This page will explain how to set up your Scheduler.
Scheduler Settings and Setup
TRAKnet contains a comprehensive scheduling module, which can be configured upon first use to fit your specific needs. The scheduler is the recommended cornerstone of the office's workflow. To access the scheduler and its settings, from the initial login screen of TRAKnet, use the navigational menu on the left-hand side of the screen and click on the Scheduler tab.
In the upper-right hand corner of the scheduler screen is the Settings button, where overall scheduler settings will be determined. This window will automatically open upon first entry into the scheduler screen.
There are several settings in this screen:
- Interval – This field will be determine the first time you access the Scheduler. It will determine the default interval for all appointments in your schedule. This setting will default to a 15 minute interval. Once selected, it cannot be changed.
- Booking – The booking setting in TRAKnet 3.0 will allow you to determine the maximum number of appointments you would like to allow per each time slot. You can set up to six booking columns per user.
- Default Appointment Reason – This setting will determine the default appointment reason for all appointments scheduled.
- Use Default Facility – Setting this option to True will default the facility on each appointment to the location with which you are currently logged in.
- Show Default Schedule – This setting will determine which schedule you will see when viewing the Scheduler: only Providers, only Users, or both Providers and Users.
- Hide Non Provider Schedule – Setting this option to True will hide all non-provider users’ schedules.
- Show Address On Reports – Setting this option to True will print the patient’s addresses on the appointment report.
- Default All Rooms/Users on Find — Setting this option to True will default the "With" drop-down in both the Find screen to "All Users/Rooms." Setting it to false will default this to whichever provider the user logged in under.
- Default All Rooms/Users on List View — Setting this option to True will default the "With" drop-down in the List view to "All Users/Rooms."
Scheduler Setup
Other than settings, you can customize your scheduler with blocked times, custom appointment types, rooms, and other features.
Appointment Types
Appointment Types, or Reasons, will be the various reasons that a patient may be visiting your office. These can be things such as an established patient visit, or a Business meeting timeslot; alternatively, you may choose to set up appointment types specific to certain ailments, such as a Bunion or a Surgery Visit. To add an Appointment Type, click the “Appointment Type” button in the upper right-hand portion of the screen, next to the “Settings” option.
This will open the Appointment Type editor window. On this screen you may search for already existing appointment types, Add new appointment types, or Delete unwanted appointment types. You may also choose to modify pre-existing appointment types to fit your needs. TRAKnet 3.0 will come pre-loaded with four appointment types:
- Business – Not requiring a patient, this appointment type can be used to block out business times on your scheduler.
- Existing Patient – Requiring a patient, this appointment type can be used to schedule appointments for patients who are existing patients of your practice. This appointment type cannot be deleted or renamed as it is a system value.
- New Patient – Requiring a patient, this appointment type can be used to schedule an appointment for a patient who is new to your practice. Choosing this appointment type when scheduling an appointment will bring you to the Adding a Patient window. This appointment type cannot be deleted or renamed as it is a system value.
- Personal – Not requiring a patient, this appointment type can be used to block off personal time in the practice.
Adding a New Appointment Type
To add a new appointment type to the list of available appointment types, click “Add” in the upper right-hand corner of the Appointment Type screen. This will open the Appointment Type Editor screen. There are several settings which must then be completed:
- BackColor: This will determine the background color of the appointment slot on your schedule.
- ForeColor: This will determine the font color of the appointment slot on your schedule.
- DefaultMinutes: This will determine the default duration of this appointment type. This must match your interval (for example, if your interval is 15 minutes, it must be 15, 30, 45, 60…)
- NoExport: Checking this box will prevent this appointment from exporting when the appointment list is exported to a reminder company.
- PatientRequired: Checking this box will indicate that a patient is required to schedule this appointment.
- Reason: This will determine the name of the appointment type.
To finalize this new appointment type, click “Save.”
Deleting an Appointment Type
To delete an appointment type, click the red X next to the listed appointment type. A window will pop up asking “Do you really want to delete the selected appointment type?” Click “Yes” if you would like to delete the selected appointment type; click “No” to cancel this action. A screen will then pop up indicating that the record has been deleted successfully – click OK to confirm.
Deleted appointment types may be viewed by checking the “Show Deleted” checkbox and clicking “Search.” These will show in your list of Appointment Types as red. Deleted appointment types cannot be restored once deleted.
Modifying an Existing Appointment Type
To modify an existing appointment type, click on the pencil-shaped icon under the Edit column next to the desired appointment type. This will open the Appointment Type Editor screen, allowing you to make any necessary changes as you see fit.
Adding a New Location/Facility or User Schedule
When scheduling in TRAKnet, you will schedule to either a room at a facility or a user. You can add a new user or add a new facility to accomplish this.
TRAKnet will allow you to block specific time slots on your scheduler in various increments (matching the initial interval set up in your system). Additionally, you may block entire days on a per user basis, allowing for Vacations and other events to be blocked en masse as needed.
Blocking Days
Blocking days and times can be accessed by clicking on the “Block” option in the upper left-hand side of the Scheduler window. To block a day, click on the drop-down arrow next to “Block” and select the “Day” option.
This will open the Block Days screen. On this screen you will have a calendar view with which to select the days to block.
To select only one day, left-click on the desired day. To block multiple days at once, right-click on each desired day.
Additionally, you will need to select who you are blocking this day for, the reason this day is being blocked, and brief comments about this block. Comments are optional.
Once you have completed setting up the blocked days, click “Save” to save you changes. This block will now appear on the Scheduler for that user.
Blocked days cannot be scheduled through, but may be removed at any time. To remove a blocked day, navigate to that day in the Scheduler and right-click on the day block, then choose “Remove” from the drop-down menu.
Blocking Times
To block specific times, click on the drop-down arrow next to “Block” and select the “Times” option.
The Block Time editor window will open. Select a user or room whose schedule you wish to block. Select the day of the week for which these blocked times will occur.
To add a blocked time, after selecting the desired day and user or room, click “Add.” This will open the Block Time Editor screen. From this screen you may select all necessary information on this block time:
- Back Color/Fore Color: This will determine the color of the block time as it appears on your scheduler.
- Block Appointment Type: This setting will determine the frequency of this block (every week, every other week, every month, etc.)
- Start Time: This will determine the start time of the blocked time.
- End Time: This will determine the end time of the blocked time.
- Start Date/End Date: This will determine the start and end date for this blocked time to be in effect.
- Day of Week: This will determine what day of the week this blocked time is for. This will be pre-selected based on the day of the week initially chosen, but may be modified here.
- Description: An optional description can be added to the blocked time.
Click “Save” once all information has been completed to save the blocked time.
You can copy blocked times to other days of the week by clicking the “Copy To” option and selecting the desired day from the drop-down menu. You can also copy blocked times to another user by choosing a new user from the “Copy To” drop-down menu in the bottom portion of the Block Time window.
To delete a blocked time, left-click on the desired block and click “Delete.”
To modify a pre-existing blocked time, left-click on the desired block and click “Modify.” This will allow you to make any necessary changes. Click “Save” when you have completed your changes.
You can clear an entire day of all blocked times by clicking “Clear Day” in the Block Time window. Please note that deleted blocks cannot be restored and will need to be manually re-entered or re-copied from another day.
Once all blocked times have been created and modified, click “OK” to finish.
Related Pages
Adding a User
Adding a Facility/Location and Rooms
Adding a Patient