This page will demonstrate navigating and setting up the Scheduler module of TRAKnet.
What is the Scheduler?
The scheduler in TRAKnet is the primary module for tracking patients through the office. It comes with several views and navigational features that make it customizable to your office's preferences, but does require some setup.
Viewing Appointments/Navigating the Scheduler
There are three ways to view the schedule: Day, Week and List View. These different views may be set with the corresponding options in the upper left-hand portion of the Scheduler window along the navigational bar at the top.
- Day – This scheduler view will display a single day’s schedule. In the day view, you may select multiple rooms, locations or users to display with the checkboxes in the left-hand portion of the Scheduler window.
- Week – This scheduler view will display a week’s schedule. This can only be viewed for one user or location at a time to accommodate spacing constraints.
- List – This scheduler view will provide a list of all scheduled appointments for a selected date range and user. This can only be viewed for one user or location at a time, but can span a wider range of custom dates outside of the constraints of a day or week.
To navigate to various days or months in the scheduler, you may utilize the Calendar view present in the left-hand portion of the scheduler screen. Clicking on any given day will take you to that day on the scheduler in the Day or Week view. To jump ahead a set portion of time, you may utilize the drop-down menus above the Calendar view; this can be done in days, weeks, or months.
To return to today’s date you may click on the “Today” icon on the bottom of the Calendar view.
Scheduling an Appointment
Within TRAKnet 3.0 there are several ways to schedule an appointment in the Scheduler:
To schedule a timeslot on today’s date for a specific free slot, simply double-click on the time slot where you want the appointment.
Alternatively, you may left-click on the desired time slot on the schedule, click the drop-down arrow next to the “Add” button on the top of the screen and select “Appointment.”
Once either method has been used the Add Appointment window will open up. This screen will allow you to select who the appointment will be with, the facility at which the appointment will be held, the reason the patient is being seen and the patient who is being seen. The Date and Time will auto-populate based on the timeslot that was initially selected when creating the appointment; however, this may be overridden on this screen by choosing a new timeslot on the Scheduler Preview in the bottom portion of the Add Appointment window.
Below are the various fields that must be completed to save this appointment:
- With – This drop-down menu will allow you to select which provider the appointment is with. This will default to the provider you are currently logged in under; however, you may select a new provider from the drop-down menu as needed.
- Facility – This drop-down menu will automatically populate with the location you are currently logged in with, assuming the option to default this field has been set to “True.” You may override this selection with a different location from the drop-down menu as needed.
- Reason – This drop-down menu will allow you to select the Appointment Type best suited for the current appointment.
- Patient – Click the “Select” button next to this field to bring up the patient search window to search for the desired patient in your database. You must use a minimum of three characters when searching for a patient. You may also add a new patient from this screen with the green “Add” button in the upper-left hand corner of the Patient Search window.
After all information for this appointment has been completed, click “Save” to save the appointment to the Scheduler.
Appointment Comments
To add a comment to an appointment, open the appointment editor window by double clicking on the appointment. Go to the “Comments” tab. The comments tab will function as a free-type field. Type in your desired comment here. Click “Save.”
To view the comment, from the Day or Week view of the Scheduler, left-click on the appointment. The comment will be displayed in the bottom portion of the screen under the patient’s name.
Modifying an Appointment
To modify an appointment, double-click on the desired appointment. This will open the Modify Appointment window. There are several tabs along the top of the Modify Appointment window that you may utilize to add additional information, modify, or notate the appointment. These tabs are:
- Schedule – This is the default tab when first scheduling an appointment.
- Tasks – This tab will allow you to notate the patient’s account with various information or details of their progress through the office. You may mark an appointment as: Cancelled, whether or not the office has contacted the patient (Patient Contacted), what time the patient has Checked In, what time the patient has Checked Out, and what time the patient was assigned to a specific room in the office.
- Comments – This tab will allow you to add additional comments to the patient’s appointment.
- History – This tab will show a history of all changes made to this appointment, when these changes were made, and who made them.
- Appointments – This tab will show all future and previous appointments for this patient.
You may also modify the appointment outside of the Modify Appointment window by right-clicking on the appointment. This will open a drop-down menu with a variety of options for changing, modifying, and updating the appointment. These options are as follows:
- Add, Remove, Modify – These options will allow you to Add another appointment at this time slot, remove the currently selected appointment, or modify the currently selected appointment.
- Patient Contacted – This option will allow you to mark that the patient has been contacted, which will reflect in the appointment preview in the bottom portion of the screen.
- Check In – This option will allow you to mark that the patient has been checked in, which will reflect in the appointment preview in the bottom portion of the screen.
- Check Out – This option will allow you to mark that the patient has been checked out, which will reflect in the appointment preview in the bottom portion of the screen.
- Cancelled – This option will allow you to mark that the patient has cancelled their appointment. This will remove the appointment from the Day and Week views of the Scheduler; however, this appointment will still be visible in the List view.
- Create Encounter – This option will allow you to create an encounter for the selected appointment and patient. For more information about creating and navigating the patient’s encounter, please refer to our Encounters portion of this guide.
- New From Old… – This option will allow you to use the patient’s current appointment information as the basis for a new appointment. Once selected, you will need to set a new date and time for the appointment. To finalize your new appointment, click “Save.”
- Reschedule… — This option will allow you to reschedule an appointment. Upon selecting this option, the Appointment Editor window will pop up. Select a new date and time and click “Save.” This will move the appointment to a new time. To view the appointment on the scheduler, navigate to the new day from the Calendar view in the left-hand portion of the screen.
- Find Appointment – This option will allow you to search for a list of all appointments in a set date range for a specific patient. Once the Find Appointment screen has opened, enter the date range and the patient’s name and then click “Search.” You may also access this feature by clicking on the “Find” option in the upper-left hand corner of the main Scheduler window.
Double Booking
To schedule more than one appointment to the same time slot, select the time slot where you want to double book, click “Add” in the upper-left hand side of the main Scheduler window, then click “Appointment.” You will then fill out all information necessary to schedule the additional appointment on this time slot.
Printing the Scheduler
You may print the scheduler by clicking on “Print” in the upper-right hand portion of the main Scheduler screen from the view you would like to print. The day view, week view, and list view can be all printed.
Facility Visits
Facility Visits are an alternative method to scheduling appointments for a bulk group of patients. Facility Visits are scheduled per location and allow for multiple patients to be scheduled to one time block.
To create a Facility Visit Appointment, selected the desired time slot on the schedule and click the drop-down arrow next to “Add” in the upper-left hand corner of the main Scheduler Window, then click “Facility Visit.” This will open the Facility Visit window. From this screen, you will select the appropriate Location, Provider, and the Reason for the visit. After all information has been populated, click on the Patients tab along the top of the editor window to begin adding patients to the facility visit.
From the Patients tab you will be able have several options:
- Select Patient – This option will open the Patient Search window. Once in this window, search for your desired patient with a minimum of three characters. Double click on the selected patient to add them to the facility visit. Repeat these steps until your Facility Visit patient list is complete.
- Recalls – This option will bring up a recall list per location and provider of all patients who have not been seen in X number of days. This can be set to search for a specific diagnosis. You may also print this list by clicking “Print” in the upper-right hand portion of the Recalls window.
- Print – This option will allow you to print the completed list of all patients scheduled at that facility.
Once you have completed scheduling your facility visit, click “Save” to save and close the window. This will add the facility visit to the scheduler.
Once a facility visit has been added to the scheduler, you may preview all patients listed for that facility by left-clicking on the Facility Visit appointment and checking the bottom portion of the main Scheduler screen. From this screen you may view all patients, their account numbers, their designated room, if applicable; their date of last encounter, if applicable; and the date of their next visit. You may also begin an encounter for this patient by clicking “Create Encounter” or navigate to the patient's chart by clicking "Select Patient".
Related Pages
Scheduler Setup
Adding a Patient