TRAKnet comes with a variety of reports, accessible under the Billing Dashboard > Reports screen. Of these reports, there are three varieties: Reports, Legacy Reports, and Queries.
The reports tab contains primarily billing reports. For samples and explanations of each report, please follow the below links for the report you are interested in:
Accounts Receivable
Appointments with Balances
Average Collections
Encounters Awaiting Payment
Patients by Diagnosis
Payments on Charges
Pending Claims
Treatments by Provider
Unsubmitted Encounters
User Activity
User Adjustment
Legacy Reports
Legacy Reports are reports carried over from older versions of TRAKnet. While they do not have the full functionality of the Reports tab collection of Reports, they are capable of providing additional information on a variety of topics, briefly detailed below:
- Daily Activity Summary — A breakdown per day of all charges entered, insurance payments, patient payments, provider payments and net charge. Can be sorted by date.
- Deposit Record — An overall total of Cash and Check payments to be taken when depositing money for the day. Can be sorted by date and facility.
- Encounters — A report that shows all encounters for a date range, displaying: encounter, date, patient information, charges rendered and diagnoses. Can be sorted by date, facility and provider.
- General Ledger Summary — An overall practice ledger, similar to a Profit Loss. It contains Revenues, Assets, Liabilities and inventory. Can be sorted by date, provider and facility.
- Insurance and Patient Payments — A breakdown of all payments taken in for a date range, separated by patient or insurance. Can be sorted by date.
- Insurance Payment Summary — A summary of all insurance payments for a set date range, broken down my insurance company, date, payment type, check number and amount, with a total amount include. Can be sorted by date.
- Insurance Payment Details — A detailed version of the above report. Shows all of the above information, but includes each charge it is posted to. Can be sorted by date.
- Insurance Payments by Outside Insurance — A report to show any instance where the insurance that paid to a patient's balance was not the expected insurance. Can be sorted by date.
- Insurance Payments by Patient Treatments — A report to show a breakdown by treatment of the number of insurance payments applied to each line. Can be sorted by date.
- Patient Charges Summary - Aged by Responsibility Date — This report only includes charges that are patient responsible and still have a remaining balance. Shows a total, payments and balance for a certain month. Can be sorted by facility and provider.
- Patient Charges Details - Aged by Responsibility Date — This report shows patient responsible items for patients by date, aging, patient name, code, service date, total, payments and balance. Can be sorted by facility and provider.
- Patient Charges Summary - Aged by Service Date — Shows a total of all patient charges over the last year. Can be sorted by facility and provider.
- Patient Charges Details - Aged by Service Date — Shows a detailed version of the above, showing each individual patient over the last year. Can be sorted by facility and provider.
- Patient Charges Summary - by Service Date — A summary of total charges for a set date range. Can be sorted by facility or provider.
- Patient Charges Details - by Service Date — A breakdown of all charges for a set date range, including service date, patient, aging, code, and total amounts.
- Patient Credits - Charges — A list of patients who have a credit on their account. Patients in collections are bold. Has no filtering options.
- Patient Credits - Payments — A list of any patient payments with an amount remaining, broken down by patient name. Can be sorted by date range.
- Payment Receipts — A list of receipts for all payments taken in. Can be sorted by date range.
- Payment Receipts by Facility — A list of all payments taken in grouped by facility. Can sort by date range.
- Payment Receipts by Provider — A list of all payments taken in grouped by provider. Can sort by date range.
- Payments by Insurance and Patients — A list of all patient and insurance payments. Can be sorted by date range, providers, or facilities.
- Procedure by Insurance — Upon executing, will ask for a treatment code. This report then shows the number of times that code was billed to that insurance company, the average allowed, total billed, average billed and the insurance. Can be sorted by date range.
- Provider Treatments Ledger — A breakdown of all treatments by provider. Can be sorted by date, facility, provider.
- Provider Treatments Summary — A summary view of all charges entered per provider and their status. Can be sorted by date range and provider.
- Referrals by Procedure — A breakdown of charges per referring provider for a set date range. Can be sorted by date, facility and provider.
- Treatments Rendered Summary — A breakdown of all treatments rendered, displaying code, description, quantity, billed amount and average amount. Can be sorted by date range, facility and provider.
Queries are SQL query based reports that will pull specific information from the database. They can be exported to Excel spreadsheets as needed. There are a variety of reports located here. For a breakdown of all Queries, check the Queries Reports page.
Incentive/Government Programs
Under Reports at the top of the screen you will find a variety of reports for government incentive programs.
Meaningful Use Stage 1/Stage 2 Reports — Reports displaying your current progress with Meaningful Use. These reports have a summary - to show percentages and totals - and a detailed - to show patients/encounters who do or do not meet the requirements - version.
Clinical Quality Measures — A report to display the current progress on documenting various clinical quality measures.
PQRS — A report with a Claims version or a Registry version, depending on the method of submission, that shows the totals for PQRS completion so far.
Specialized Registries
* Specialized Registries — A report to display patients who qualify for reporting to a specialized registry. You are also able to upload to the specialized registry from this report.
* Health Care Surveys — A report to display patients who qualify for reporting health care surveys. You are also able to export the required health care survey information from this report.
Quality Payment Programs
* Promoting Interoperability — Reports displaying your current progress with Promoting Interoperability and Promoting Interoperability Transition.
* Quality Measures — A report with a Claims version or a Registry version, depending on the method of submission, that shows the totals for Quality Measure completion so far.
* Improvement Activities — A report to show what Improvement Activities have been selected and allow selection of Improvement Activities.
* Performance Score — A report to show your current standings in the Promoting Interoperability, Quality Measures and Improvement activities reports.
* MedXpress Reporting — A report to show your current standings in the Promoting Interoperability, Quality Measures, and Improvement activities in relation to MedXpress. This report also allows you to upload to the MedXpress portal (Please not this report only shows if you have setup integration with MedXpress)
Advanced Data Management Platform
Advanced Data Management contains reports which provide a in depth view along with graphical representations of the data they display.
- Abbreviated Patient List — Shows a list of all patients with their address and their balance listed.
- Account Receivable Movement — Shows overall Accounts Receivable movement for the past twelve months broken down by month. Contains a graph that shows each month’s Charges, Payments, Adjustments and Balance.
- Aged Analysis Report — This report shows a patient’s A/R broken down over an extended period of time, by insurance type or account number. At the bottom of the report, there are totals for each time period as well as a grand total.
- Average Charges by Insurance Class and Provider — The top of the report shows a graph that displays charges (both primary and secondary) by provider. The report shows the average charges for both Primary and Secondary Insurance by provider.
- Average Days In Receivables — This report displays a graph at the top of the report which shows the % of A/R dollars by month as well as a line graph (inside of the same graph) that shows the Average days in receivables for the past year. The report shows the same information and breaks it down by 0-30, 31-60, 61-90, 91-120 and over 120 days. Average days is displayed on the far right for each month and maxes out at 199 days.
- Charge Statistics By R.V.U. — This report shows the Relative Value Unit (RVU) totals per provider over a set date range. Information is broken down further to show the RVU totals per provider, per location, and per insurance company.
- CPT Code by Location — Shows the number of times a CPT code was used by location. Lists the patient and how many times the code has been used on that patient during the date range.
- CPT Payment Analysis — Shows CPT codes billed in a date range. Shows charge, collectible, Payments, Adjustments and % of Payment Collected. Has a graph that shows Top 5 CPT by Payment amount.
- Daily Journal — Shows the Charges by CPT code and Payments for a given day.
- Diagnosis Frequency — Shows the number of times in a set date range the diagnosis was used.
- Encounter Demographics — Shows the age range that each patient with an encounter falls in to within a specific date range. This report will also display the percentage of patients who are that age as well as gender.
- Encounter Volume By Location — Shows the number of encounters by location and by insurance class within a date range.
- Insurance Claim Submission Analysis — Shows the submitted claims in a date range. Shows the amount charged as well as the balance due with the percentage remaining. There is also a graph on the bottom of the report that shows the total amount in dollars submitted by date.
- Insurance Enrollment — Shows the number of patients by insurance in the year previous to the run date of the report. Shows the total number of insured vs uninsured and total number of patients. Insurance must be set to primary, secondary or tertiary with an effective date and termination date.
- Monthly Statistics - Charges — Shows the number of times a CPT code has been used in a specific date range, along with the dollar amount. It also shows under which doctor and location the CPT code was used.
- Monthly Statistics - Credits — Provider payments/adjustments by insurance type in a date range for all doctors and locations. Shows which provider made the payment and at the location they did so.
- Monthly Statistics - New Patients — Shows all new patients in the date range by insurance. It shows the charges for note date and lists the note date. Each insurance has a totals row that lists the number of new patients and the total charges across the new patients as well as the patient’s account number. The bottom of the report has a grand total of all new patients and total charges.
- Monthly Statistics - Payments — Shows provider payments/adjustments by insurance type in a date range. Shows which provider made the payment and at the location they did so.
- New and Established Patient Visits — Shows the number of new and established patients from the previous 12 months of the run date. This is broken down by month, with columns for both New and Established. There is also a growth chart at the top of the report that shows this information.
- Office Visit Distribution Report — This report is a graph that displays the levels of new and established office visits (Levels 1-5) in a given date range
- Patient Distribution by Zip Code — This report shows each zip code in the system and how many patients have each zip code. There is a grand total row that totals the number of zip codes, states, and patients. There is a graph at the bottom of the report which shows the top 10 distributions by zip code.
- Patient Email Listing — This report lists all patients, in alphabetical order, with their email address and account number.
- Patient Payment History — This report shows patient payments in a date range. Shows the service dates, posted dates, as well as the payment type.
- Patient Record Listing — Shows a list of all patients with their address, gender, primary/secondary insurance, birthdate, phone number and their balance.
- Procedure Charges — Shows the procedures used in the last 12 months (by note date). Shows how much was charged, the collectible amount, if a co-pay was applied, if it is covered by insurance, if it is a flat rate, and the global days.
- Production Totals by Doctor — Production Totals By Doctor
- Referral Summary — Shows all new patients in the date range by insurance. It shows the charges for note date and lists the note date. Each insurance has a totals row that lists the number of new patients and the total charges across the new patients as well as the patient’s account number. The bottom of the report has a grand total of all new patients and total charges.
- Referring Doctor Listing - Detail — Shows the patients who had a referral in a specific date range. Sorts by the referring doctor and shows the service date and all charges on that date.
- Statement Analysis — Shows the unsent statements in the system as well as the last print date for a statement. Breaks it down in 1-30, 31-60, 61-90 and Over 90 days columns. There is a total column and the due date for each individual patient is listed if the patient has a due date set.
- Subscriber Information — This report will show all patients where the Subscribed individual is anything other than themselves, listing the patient, the Subscribed patient, and the relationship.
- Unapplied Credit Report — Shows all of the unapplied payments in the system. Lists the patient’s account number, name, last posting date, and the amount of unapplied payments.
Waterfall Report
The Waterfall report provides a month by month break down of charges, payments and adjustments to allow the practice to determine their rate of collections.