All EHI Patient Export
source+ All Patient EHI Export

New Feature: We have added an option in the Tools menu, Export Patient Data. This feature allows you to export Electronic Health Information (EHI) from the TRAKnet system for one or all patients to a folder and location of your choice.

The Export will create PDF documents containing Multimedia files, Encounters (visit notes), and Patient summaries.

Preparing for All Patient export

Depending on the size of your practice and the length of time you have been using TRAKnet, this Export may take up to several days to complete. Here are a few things to keep in mind when selecting a computer/workstation to run this on:

  • Select a computer/workstation that will not need to be used for other purposes during the export process.
  • The computer must not be shut down during the Export.
  • If you export the data to a network, the server must not be shut down for any reason until the Export is completed.
  • The information you are exporting is Protected Health Information (PHI), so ensure it is treated as such.
  • This is a large amount of data. Ensure the location/computer you are exporting has enough storage space.
  • Create a Folder on your local or network drive to export the data. There are no specific naming conventions required.
  • Save the path to the folder; you will need to select it during the export process.

Accessing the Exported Patient Data

The Export will create folders as follows:

The patient folder will be named using the first and last name and the patient’s Date of birth in the following format:


Patients with the same first letter of the last name will be grouped in folders, and there is a patient in the database for each letter. (For example, all patients whose last name begins with the letter A will be in a folder named A. If there are no patients for a letter, no folder will be created.)

Patient Folders

Within the Patient Folder, there will be each of the following folders:


This folder includes a PDF of the patient’s visit notes.

  • The file name will begin with the Date of the encounter and the unique name assigned to the file.
  • The unique name will include up to the first five letters of the patient’s last name and five unique characters randomly assigned.

Example: John Doe, encounter for Date of Service June 9, 2023
Filename: 6_09_2023_DoeLGnOf.pdf


Multimedia file names will remain the same.

Patient Summary

The Patient Summary folder includes a PDF file that is named Patient_Summary.pdf
The document consists of the following information:

  • Patient Demographics
    • Patient Name
    • Date of Birth
    • Address
    • Home Phone
    • Work Phone
    • Cell Phone
    • Martial Status
    • Student Status
    • Employment status
    • Charge Hold Start Date
    • Charge HoldEnd Date
  • Patient Insurance Details
  • Reminders
  • Allergies
  • Medications
  • Immunizations
  • Family History
  • History and Physical
  • Hospital Course
  • Cardiology Note
  • Past History
  • Past Medical History
  • Past Surgical History
  • Social History
  • Patient Appointments
  • Encounters
  • Prescriptions
  • Payment Adjustments
  • CoPayments
  • Payment Treatment Details

Running the Export (All Patients)

Getting Started

Note: The EHI Export can only be run by one user at a time, and that computer cannot access any other TRAKnet features. If the EHI export is started a second time by a different user, the user will receive an alert advising them that the Export is locked.

Open the Tools menu and select Export Patient Data to
start the application.


This will launch the Export Patient Data


The settings on this page are defaulted for All Patients.
The Date Range is also defaulted so that no changes are needed.
Click the Export to begin.

You will be prompted to confirm that you are ready to begin.


Click Yes to Continue and No to Quit.

The Browser Folder will appear. Here, you can select the folder you created to export the data to or Create a New Folder.


Click OK when you have selected the folder.

Note: There is a delay while the program prepares to begin exporting.
Once the Export is ready, the title bar will populate and show where the Export is.

The files are exported in the following order:

  1. Paitent Summaries
  2. Encounters (VisitNotes)
  3. Multimedia

Exporting Patient Summaries


Exporting Visit Notes (Encounters)


Exporting Multimedia


Export Completed

When the Export has been completed, a dialog box will appear, indicating the Export is complete.
This will display the file path to the folder in which your data has been exported.

Click Yes to open the Export location and No to close.


Resume or Reset Export

If the application is canceled while a previous export is still in progress, a dialog box will appear asking if you would like to resume the export from where it left off. Choosing this option will use the same location to export the files that were selected in the earlier run.


Click Yes to Reset the Export and clear all progress, click No to resume the export from where it left off.

If you click No, you will be asked to confirm the reset and then prompted to select a folder to export the files to.



Protect your Data

It is highly recommended that you protect the files and data. Setting permissions to prevent moving or deleting files is recommended. Please get in touch with your IT team if you have any questions or need assistance.

Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 License