Release Notes TRAKnet 5.1

Release Notes for TRAKnet version 5.1


All EHI (Export Patient Data)

All EHI (Export Patient Data)

  • Changed the order in which the files are processed. Patient Summaries, Encounters (Visit Notes), and then Multimedia.
  • Added a restart option should the application be canceled or stopped running. If the user chooses to resume, it will start where it left off.
  • Updated the Patient Summary for Insurance Payments to display the Insurance name instead of the Payor ID in the Payment Adjustments section.

Please click here for more information on this feature.

Bug Fixes

All EHI (Export Patient Data)

  • Updated the export process to handle Gladinet passwords that contain special characters.
  • Updated the TRAKnet EHI encounter queries to ensure compatibility with SQL Server 2008 R2
  • The EHI export process has been updated. When patients with duplicate names and birthdates are identified, their folders will be renamed to include an underscore followed by a number. Additionally, a patient identifier file will be included in each patient's folder, allowing the end user to distinguish between the patients.


*Moved measure #130 to the correct category; it will now be displayed under each encounter per reporting period category.

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