Z_(Archived) Release Notes for October 26th 2015
General Release Notes from the October 26th 2015 update.
New Features
- Implemented the ability to have multiple patient charts open at once. To open another patient, search for a patient and select them as usual. They will open to the right of the currently open patient. To close a patient chart, click Close Patient. With this change comes a change to encounters. You can now minimize an encounter and continue working on any screen in TRAKnet. NOTE: With this change, it will be very important to remember to close encounters and patient charts appropriately as working to minimize confusion.

- Implemented a new feature that allows the user to look up a referring provider and pull in all demographic information about the provider. This is located under Properties > Referring/Supervising Providers > Search NPI Registry.

- Implemented the ability to CTRL + Click on SmartSheet10 codes to add multiple codes to a SmartSheet or multiple codes to an invoice. Any screen where ICD-10 codes can be selected will have this functionality. To deselect a code, simply click the X next to the code at the top of the screen.

- Implemented a new feature where the title of an encounter will always update to match the Note Date on the encounter, e.g. 10/22/2015 Hallux Valgus.
Resolved Issues
- Resolved an issue wherein 2.0 encounters would be displaying out of chronological order.
- Resolved an issue wherein mini-templates saved into a folder with an apostrophe in the name could then not be selected for use.
- Resolved an issue wherein the Vital Signs link was incorrectly displaying a “0.000000” in some instances.
- Resolved an issue wherein the folder name for a template could not be changed when importing TRAKnet 2.0 templates into 3.0.
- Resolved an issue wherein the encounter title was not being displayed when attempting to link an order or vital signs to an encounter.
- Resolved an issue wherein referral letters were not printing the visit note with the letter.
- Resolved an issue wherein the links to the patient portal in TRAKnet were incorrect.
- Resolved an issue wherein changing the name of a Phone Message was removing the message from the Phone Messages tab.
- Resolved an issue wherein the «FutureAppointments» link was not displaying facility visits.
- Resolved an issue wherein the User Activity Report was not displaying anything if the Date Created filter was used.
- Resolved an issue wherein deleted SmartSheets were still displaying when adding a new code to a SmartSheet.
- Resolved an issue wherein certain ICD-10 codes which apostrophes in the description were duplicating the apostrophes unnecessarily.
- Resolved an issue wherein pop-up alerts could not be marked finished.
- Resolved an issue wherein it was possible to set the global period on a treatment to a negative number, causing that treatment to become un-editable.
- Resolved an issue wherein the «TodaysDate» link was not inserting properly when importing and converting templates.
- Resolved an issue wherein Vital Signs were not displaying the appropriate unit of measure.
- Resolved an issue wherein text frames, when used in a template, caused the links inside the frame to stop populating.
- Resolved an issue wherein the encounters report was not printing ICD-10 codes.
- Resolved an issue wherein encounters were occasionally becoming unsigned if the patient’s information was edited while an encounter was opened.
- Resolved an issue wherein the patient education in a Clinical Summary was not automatically pulling over Diagnoses based on the ICD-10 code.
- Resolved an issue wherein blocked days could not be saved if the Reason selected was the first in the list of reasons.
- Resolved an issue wherein clicking “close” on the blocked days window would not actually close the window.
- Resolved an issue wherein the increments for a new appointment type were not automatically matching the scheduler’s intervals.
- Resolved an issue wherein the print button on the Claims screen would become grayed out.
- Resolved an issue wherein it was not possible to add a value to a custom field that contained an apostrophe.
- Resolved an issue wherein the scheduler would jump back up to midnight on some circumstances.
- Resolved an issue wherein auto-setting of patient treatment pointers/diagnoses would not work properly with non-dual coded diagnoses.
- Resolved an issue wherein the meaningful use report displayed the incorrect email address.
- Resolved an issue wherein the Edit > Paste function in an encounter was not working properly.
- Resolved an issue wherein newly added facilities were not automatically appearing on the scheduler.
- Resolved an issue wherein the Superbill button on the patient’s chart would not work if the patient had no encounters.
- Resolved an issue wherein page numbers on the bottom of encounters were not tracking properly.
- Resolved an issue wherein tabbing into a single choice field was not opening to the right of the screen.
- Removed the time stamp on the bottom of encounters.
- Resolved an issue wherein using the copy visit tool, then changing the date on an encounter, did not update the title or the date on the treatments.
- Resolved an issue wherein the «PastAppointments» link was not including facility visits.
- Resolved an issue wherein the History portion of the invoice screen was not displaying the ICD-10 codes.
- Resolved an issue wherein the diagnoses screen was incorrectly allowing free-typed codes.
- Resolved an issue wherein sorting the Time Clock Management screen then printing the list did not maintain the sorting.
- Removed an unnecessary “close” button from the multimedia screen.
- Resolved an issue wherein adding to the Care Team screen on a patient’s chart was adding information to all patients.
- Resolved an issue wherein clicking the “edit” checkbox on a mini template screen (e.g. HPI) caused TRAKnet to freeze.
- Resolved an issue wherein the «Age» link was not updating appropriately if a visit was copied and the patient’s age had changed between then and now.
- Resolved an issue wherein the “Go to Patient’s Chart” button on the Claims screen had stopped working.
- Resolved an issue wherein Global Periods were checking only the code in a global period, not all codes. The alert will now pop up any time a code is added to the patient’s invoice if the patient has any code in a global period, behaving like TRAKnet 2.0.
- Resolved an issue wherein the «VisitProblems» link was updating after a note has been signed.
- Resolved an issue wherein the Login with Different User option was not tracking the Punch-In option properly, not allowing the user to Punch Out afterward.
- Resolved an issue wherein Alerts were not sorting properly by date and were instead sorting numerically.
- Resolved an issue wherein the templates in Patient Forms were not listed alphabetically.
- Resolved an issue wherein the option under Tools > Option to set the supervising provider was not properly setting this information.
- Resolved an issue wherein the «RecentLabs» link was not pulling over any information. This will now pull over the data under Lab Orders.
- Resolved an issue wherein Exported SmartSheets did not have the correct codes listed.
- Resolved an issue wherein the Inbox would not load if a large number of items were in the inbox. The inbox now has pages.
page revision: 9, last edited: 22 Jan 2021 19:35