Z_(Archived) Release Notes for March 30th 2015
General Release Notes from the March 30th 2015 update.
New Features
- IMPORTANT! Secure Messaging and HealthVault integration have been implemented. A webinar containing detailed instructions, as well as training material to assist with these measures, will be coming shortly.
* To receive your Direct EMR email address, click on the UserName in the upper right-hand corner of TRAKnet, then click Configure Your Direct Email. You will get the below popup message after it has completed. This may take some time. Once finished, restart TRAKnet – the Inbox tab will now be accessible.
- Clinical Decision Support rules have been implemented into your system automatically.
- Made some changes to the Stage 2 Meaningful Use report to facilitate the proper tracking of the Timely Access and Secure Messaging measures. Specifically, Core Measure 7b will now state: “In Progress.” We will begin processing reports from HealthVault and populating these numbers in the next 2-3 weeks. You will still be getting credit – the report will just not reflect this immediately.
- A PQRS report has now been implemented to assist with tracking progress on PQRS. It is accessible under Reports at the top of the screen, then PQRS. There is a detailed version, which will show a breakdown of patients who meet and don’t meet, and a summary version.
- The Manage Templates window has been adjusted to include an additional dropdown menu for folder selection, allowing for easier and clearer sorting of templates into specific folders.
- Implemented the ability to open Claims from the Billing Dashboard > Claims screen > View > Patient Responsibility.
- Implemented a setting where the patient’s default account length can be determined. This is under Billing Dashboard > Options > Charting, called Default Account Number Length.
Resolved Issues
- Resolved an issue where the encounter title would be deleted if an encounter was opened, then Saved & Closed a second time.
- Resolved an issue where certain patient data links were causing abnormal slowness on Dashboards.
- Resolved an issue where encounters created from previous visits were coming over with the previous provider selected. The current provider will now be properly set instead.
- Made a change to how diagnoses are copied over when creating a new encounter from an old. They will now carry over in the original order, rather than reorder themselves randomly.
- The Tab Blanks feature on an encounter will now tab to any blank that is either one, two, or three underscores long.
- Fixed an issue where Referral Letters generated in TRAKnet 2.0 were showing up in the patient’s ledger in TRAKnet 3.0.
- Resolved a similar issue where Referral Letters were showing under Billing Dashboard > Encounters as well.
- Resolved an issue which was preventing the Insurance and Patient Payments report from executing.
- Items printed from the Billing Dashboard > Claims screen should no longer print with dollar amounts in a 00.0000 format.
- Resolved an issue that was preventing both BMI CQM measures from properly calculating on the Clinical Quality Measures report. These should both now calculate correctly.
- Made adjustments to the column width on several screens to make mini templates easier to read.
page revision: 14, last edited: 22 Jan 2021 19:32