Z_(Archived) Release Notes for March 30th 2015

General Release Notes from the March 30th 2015 update.

New Features

  • IMPORTANT! Secure Messaging and HealthVault integration have been implemented. A webinar containing detailed instructions, as well as training material to assist with these measures, will be coming shortly.
* To receive your Direct EMR email address, click on the UserName in the upper right-hand corner of TRAKnet, then click Configure Your Direct Email. You will get the below popup message after it has completed. This may take some time. Once finished, restart TRAKnet – the Inbox tab will now be accessible.
  • Clinical Decision Support rules have been implemented into your system automatically.
  • Made some changes to the Stage 2 Meaningful Use report to facilitate the proper tracking of the Timely Access and Secure Messaging measures. Specifically, Core Measure 7b will now state: “In Progress.” We will begin processing reports from HealthVault and populating these numbers in the next 2-3 weeks. You will still be getting credit – the report will just not reflect this immediately.
  • A PQRS report has now been implemented to assist with tracking progress on PQRS. It is accessible under Reports at the top of the screen, then PQRS. There is a detailed version, which will show a breakdown of patients who meet and don’t meet, and a summary version.
  • The Manage Templates window has been adjusted to include an additional dropdown menu for folder selection, allowing for easier and clearer sorting of templates into specific folders.
  • Implemented the ability to open Claims from the Billing Dashboard > Claims screen > View > Patient Responsibility.
  • Implemented a setting where the patient’s default account length can be determined. This is under Billing Dashboard > Options > Charting, called Default Account Number Length.

Resolved Issues

  1. Resolved an issue where the encounter title would be deleted if an encounter was opened, then Saved & Closed a second time.
  2. Resolved an issue where certain patient data links were causing abnormal slowness on Dashboards.
  3. Resolved an issue where encounters created from previous visits were coming over with the previous provider selected. The current provider will now be properly set instead.
  4. Made a change to how diagnoses are copied over when creating a new encounter from an old. They will now carry over in the original order, rather than reorder themselves randomly.
  5. The Tab Blanks feature on an encounter will now tab to any blank that is either one, two, or three underscores long.
  6. Fixed an issue where Referral Letters generated in TRAKnet 2.0 were showing up in the patient’s ledger in TRAKnet 3.0.
  7. Resolved a similar issue where Referral Letters were showing under Billing Dashboard > Encounters as well.
  8. Resolved an issue which was preventing the Insurance and Patient Payments report from executing.
  9. Items printed from the Billing Dashboard > Claims screen should no longer print with dollar amounts in a 00.0000 format.
  10. Resolved an issue that was preventing both BMI CQM measures from properly calculating on the Clinical Quality Measures report. These should both now calculate correctly.
  11. Made adjustments to the column width on several screens to make mini templates easier to read.
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