Z_(Archived) Release Notes for March 18th 2015

General Release Notes from the May 15th 2015 update.

New Features

  • There is now a detailed version of the Meaningful Use report. To accommodate this, the reports under Reports > Meaningful Use have been shifted slightly. They are now ordered: Stage 1, Stage 2, Details. The Details report can be run one measure at a time and will show the Numerator, Denominator, current percentage (Provider) and target percentage. Beneath this will be a list of all patients who are part of the denominator and whether or not they meet the measure. Patients who meet the criteria will be bolded and say Yes. Patients who do not will not be bold and will say No.

Resolved Issues:

  1. Resolved an issue where the practice Taxonomy Code was not populating the Provider’s practice info.
  2. Screens on the Billing Dashboard will now sort by just the data selected, rather than the data selected and alphabetically.
  3. The patient and encounter information at the top of the Invoice tab will now display on two lines rather than one, resolving issues where this information was being cut off on smaller resolutions.
  4. Resolved an issue where, after downloading a remit, the system would default this to a date range of the last 7 days. This will now default to today’s date only.
  5. Resolved an issue where the Legal Representative field could not be populated on a new patient.
  6. Resolved an issue where the patient information displayed at the bottom of the Claims window was not displaying correctly.
  7. Resolved an issue where the Patient Responsible date drop-down menu was automatically setting to the first of whichever month you moved to.
  8. Made a change to how the Patient Responsible date on the invoice works. Checking the Patient Responsible checkbox on the bottom of the invoice will now update all treatments to patient responsible on the date selected.
  9. Medications listed under Rx will now display additional information, such as: amount dispensed, refills, and pharmacy information.
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