Z_(Archived) Release Notes for June 8th 2017
General Release Notes from the June 8th 2017 update.
New Features
- Implemented a Waterfall Billing Report, which shows Charges, Payments, Adjustments, Resolution, Resolution Percentage and Cumulative Percentage over a designated period of months. For more information, click here.

- Implemented an Insurance Payments Report, which shows a Summary or Details view of all insurance payments entered within the date range.
- Implemented new claim check error messages, particularly concerning ordering provider on charges for Medicare, erroneous place of services, and common rejections for durable medical equipment and injections.
- Implemented the ability to export encounters and charges to a spreadsheet from the Encounters screen in the Billing Dashboard.
- Implemented the ability to send multimedia and other attachments when e-Faxing.

- Removed the defaulted check mark for Show Patient Providers when adding a Referring or Supervising Provider in Claim Details.
- Implemented the ability to download corrected Pathology Reports from BAKO, as well as a new column in the Pathology Orders screen to show when it was last updated.
- Implemented the ability to add Remark Codes when manually entering insurance payments.

- Implemented the ability to determine at the insurance level which Adjustment Codes on a downloaded remittance are may apply their adjustments. For more information, click here.

Resolved Issues
- Resolved an issue wherein, under certain circumstances, links were erroneously deleted from the note when deleting other text.
- Resolved an issue wherein, under certain circumstances, links such as HPI displayed the incorrect font within a note.
Update for June 14th 2017
- Resolved an issue wherein the Insurance Payments report could not be exported.
- Resolved an issue wherein, under certain circumstances, terminated providers were removed from signed encounters.
- Resolved an issue wherein opening then closing a BAKO pathology order would cause any manually sorted columns to reset to default sorting.
- Corrected grammar errors in the Adjustment Codes tab in the Insurance editor.
Update for June 29th 2017
- Adjusted the display of new claim checks to use the yellow 'caution' symbol instead of the red 'alert' symbol.
- Added several new links, including a link to display patient immunizations.
- Resolved an issue wherein forms such as Referrals, Social History, etc. displayed certain links with the incorrect highlighting.
page revision: 11, last edited: 22 Jan 2021 19:31