Z_(Archived) Release Notes for February 23rd 2016
General Release Notes from the February 23rd 2016 update.
New Features
- Improvement of the use of the “date” links within TRAKnet. If the user begins the encounter from the scheduler, the date associated with the schedule will be placed in the encounter, regardless of the link that has been placed within your template. If the user begins an encounter from the patients chart, the date on the encounter will be the date the encounter was created.
- In order to fully understand the links, please note the following:
- «VisitDate» will place the date associated with the schedule
- «TodaysDate» will place the current date you are creating the encounter
- «Date» will allow the user to click on the link and choose any date they wish
- Please note that this does not impact the use of these links in documents other than the Encounter form (e.g. Superbills will be unchanged).
- Implemented a new field on the insurance company level to allow for a practice federal tax ID to be sent with patient eligibility requests.
- Implemented a cancel button to close out of embedded mini-templates.
- Implemented a keystroke combination to lock TRAKnet should the user need to step away from their workstation. This combination works from the Patient’s Chart tab and is CTRL + SHIFT + L.
- Implemented a refresh button on the patient’s ledger screen that will refresh the ledger when clicked.
- Implemented a setting that will allow the user to default how the SmartSheet 10 tab will sort in the Encounter > Diagnoses screen (e.g. on default, this sorts by ICD-10 Description but can be changed to ICD-9 Code, ICD-9 Description or ICD-10 code).
- Implemented a setting that will allow the user to default the file type when scanning to either PDF or Image.
- Implemented a new tab under the Find feature in the scheduler that will allow the user to search for all facilities and display a list of all facility visits. Facility visits can then be opened further to view the list of all patients who were seen at that particular facility visit.
- Implemented the ability to Export the PQRS report for registry reporting. Results will export to a .csv file that can then be uploading to a registry website.
Resolved Issues
- Resolved an issue wherein the Refresh button on the patient’s Multimedia tab did not always work.
- Resolved an issue wherein the patient search required you to search for State using three characters when state is only two.
- Resolved an issue wherein the Diabetic: Yes/No flag on facility visits was not correctly looking at ICD-10 diagnoses codes.
- Resolved an issue wherein headers were not populating on encounters correctly.
- Resolved an issue wherein clicking the print preview button on the scheduler > list view would cause the scheduler to print blank.
- Resolved an issue wherein the diagnoses tab on the Encounter had an extra column.
- Resolved an issue wherein the Encounters not Billed report was not pulling in 3.0 encounter titles.
- Resolved an issue wherein the PCPInfo and ReferringProviderInfo links were displaying state with an extra period.
- Resolved an issue wherein typing a CPT code into a visit note could cause the document header to disappear.
- Resolved an issue wherein unapplied split payments entered in v2.0 could not be modified in v3.0.
- Resolved an issue wherein users were prevented from copying encounters where the template had been deleted. You will now be able to copy encounters that were originally based on templates that have since been removed.
- Resolved an issue wherein printing claims through the claim wizard when two payers were both the primary (e.g. Medicare and DMERC) caused the payer address information to print incorrectly.
- Resolved an issue wherein marketing referrals that had been deleted were still showing up in the «Marketing» link as a blank option.
- Resolved an issue wherein sending electronic referral letters was not sending the attached visit note.
- Resolved an issue wherein clicking File > Login as Another User would cause the SmartSheet10 tab in an Encounter to display no results.
- Resolved an issue wherein the default date range on the incentive program reports were stopping on February 28th and ignoring the leap year.
- Resolved an issue wherein, when entering TransFirst Merchant Account information, TRAKnet would require a restart for changes to take effect but would not inform the user of this. A pop up warning will now appear letting the user know they will need to restart TRAKnet for the changes to take effect.
- Resolved an issue wherein selecting an ICD-10 code in the SmartSheet10 view of ICD-10 to ICD-9 GEMs was not appropriately opening the code in the tabular view.
- Resolved an issue where the Reports, Patients, and Remove/Restore permissions were not always working appropriately.
page revision: 11, last edited: 22 Jan 2021 19:23