Z_(Archived) Release Notes for August 30th, 2016
General Release Notes from the August 30th 2016 update.
New Features
- Implemented the ability to edit the favorite Allergies list through the properties tab.
- Implemented the option to choose a printer when printing prescriptions. The option can be set through the Settings Icon when writing a prescription.
- Implemented the ability to view a patient's Surgical History, Medical History, Social History and Past History through the Patient Summary.
- Implemented a practice header in the Patient Summary.
- Implemented a measure to prevent the assignment of a legal representative with no address to a patient.
- Implemented several quality of life features to the Print Encounters Batch screen:
- The ability to filter by Charted and Bill Ready.
- The ability to check and uncheck all encounters.
- The ability to preview the superbill for an encounter.
- Implemented a new report to show lab orders awaiting results.
- Implemented a warning when attempting to merge two patient charts.
- Implemented a Quality Measures link that can be used in encounters and other forms.
- Re-adding the PQRS #131 - Pain Assessment measure to the PQRS 2016 report.
- Implemented new links to display the referring provider and primary care provider fax numbers.
- Implemented the ability to scan and take webcam pictures from an encounter as attachments.
- Implemented the ability to press tab in an encounter to navigate through any link, as opposed to just multiple choice links.
- Implemented the ability to quickly search for links to insert into a visit note or template.
- Implemented a new highlighting color in visit notes for links that have been completed.
- Implemented logic to prevent links such as Past Medical History from displaying with font not matching the rest of the visit note.
- Implemented the ability to insert encounter form templates as mini-templates.
- Implemented the ability to print a list of a patient's medications and allergies.
- The Patient Engagement button will be visually highlighted when a patient CCDA may be sent out to fulfill Meaningful Use requirements.
- Implemented a new link that displays visit treatments. This link, called VisitTreatments, may only be used in a visit note.
- Implemented a pop-up warning that displays whenever a provider attempts to sign a note with a different visit provider. The note may then be signed, or the action may be cancelled.
- Implemented changes to the Copy Visit function to highlight copied diagnoses that are marked as inactive or resolved in the patient's chart.
- Implemented the ability to view the payment history of a charge through the invoice.
- Implemented the ability to open encounter invoices from insurance remittances in the Billing Dashboard.
- Implemented the ability to print or preview a secondary claim while viewing the primary insurance remittance.
- Implemented a filter to show Unapplied Payments in the User Activity report.
- Implemented a count of Charges and Payments in the User Activity Details report.
- Implemented the ability to open the invoices of other encounters through the history list in the invoice.
- Implemented new claim checks to the invoice:
- Missing Primary Insurance Payer ID.
- Missing Secondary Insurance Payer ID.
- Missing Tertiary Insurance Payer ID.
- Duplicate ICD-10 Diagnoses Codes.
- Missing ICD-10 Diagnoses Codes.
- Release of Information code is required.
- Referring Provider NPI is required for Medicare.
- Modifiers are out of order.
- Facility zip code must be 9 digits.
- Date of Current Illness cannot be a future date.
- Diagnoses modifier 1 cannot be the same as 2, 3 or 4.
- Invalid subscriber SSN format.
- Ordering Provider is required for DMERC claims.
- Implemented changes to treatment comments to make creating comments faster.
- Implemented a filter to the Pending Claims report to show any pending claims with a $0 payment applied to the charge.
- Implemented a new query to show $0 payments applied to charges.
- Implemented the option to default the treatment history date range on the invoice.
- After leaving the Billing Dashboard and returning, previously executed searches and reports will still be displayed.
- Improved the functionality of having multiple payments open at once in the Billing Dashboard.
- Implemented a button on Patient Statements to reset statement filters to their defaults, as specified in Tools, Options, Patient Statements.
- Refreshing the list of unsent claims is now faster.
- Implemented the Appointments and Missed Appointments reports in Legacy Reports.
- Implemented a patient email column on the scheduler list view printout to show whether or not the patient has an email address.
- Implemented changes to the Find Appointments screen to show more relevant columns when searching for appointments.
- Implemented the ability to set the default Appointment Type to none, which would force the user to select an appointment type before saving a new appointment.
- Implemented a Report Date to Clinical Decision Rules and Patient Lists reports.
- Implemented the ability to minimize several screens in TRAKnet. (e.g.: Social History, Prescriptions, Patient Search, etc.)
- Changes to patient searches in different areas of TRAKnet to improve consistency.
- Implemented the ability to double click on a record in a search to select the record, rather than to edit it. For example, searching for an insurance when creating an insurance payment would not open the insurance to edit but would instead confirm that insurance as the payer on the check.
- Pop-up windows, such as new encounters or other new screens, will appear on the same screen as TRAKnet if the user has more than one monitor.
- Implemented the ability to designate a patient's preferred phone number from their home, work or cell phone, and a link that can be used in dashboards, encounters, etc. that lists their preferred phone number.
- Implemented the ability to search for referring providers through the NPI registry.
- Implemented permissions to access Advanced Data Management Platform, Code Audit Compliance, My Practice Report Card and Patient Portal. Permissions can be set in Properties, Users.
Resolved Issues
- Resolved an issue wherein the Allowed amount on charges were not appearing correctly in the patient ledger.
- Resolved an issue wherein deleted encounters would still appear in the Encounters screen of the Billing Dashboard.
- Resolved an issue wherein certain LOINC codes were unavailable when creating lab orders.
- Resolved an issue wherein adding patient allergies was taking an extensive amount of time.
- Resolved an issue wherein options under the Admin dropdown menu were not working.
- Resolved an issue wherein the history tab of an appointment was listing incorrect times after the appointment has been rescheduled.
- Resolved an issue wherein the document header template would automatically open in Manage Templates before it has actually been selected.
- Resolved an issue wherein entering payments beginning with a decimal would ignore the decimal point (e.g.: .25 becomes 25).
- Resolved an issue wherein patients in the patient portal were being erroneously marked as having been updated with new information.
- Resolved an issue wherein, under certain circumstances, treatment templates could not be saved or updated.
- Resolved an issue wherein the .csv file created when exporting the insurance list from Properties was corrupted.
- Resolved an issue wherein, under certain circumstances, opening a patient's statements was taking an extensive amount of time.
- Resolved an issue wherein the recall list was not correctly printing.
- Resolved an issue wherein CCDA's were not always using the correct visit information.
- Resolved an issue wherein SNOMED codes could not be mapped to diagnoses in patient charts and encounters.
- Resolved an issue wherein manually posted credit card payments would not save authorization numbers.
- Resolved an issue wherein, under certain circumstances, treatment comments were not appearing on the Pending Claims Details report.
- Resolved an issue wherein the aged balance on detailed statements could be hidden under the statement footer.
- Resolved an issue wherein the PQRS Report Registry export function was not working.
- Resolved an issue wherein the patient name on the patient insurance screen was being cut off at the bottom.
- Resolved an issue wherein the SmokingStatus link took several seconds to load after being clicked.
- Resolved an issue wherein multiple choice options made within an inserted mini-template would cause unnecessary line breaks in the note.
- Resolved an issue wherein double-clicking on a previously unselected appointment would not properly open the intended appointment.
- Resolved an issue wherein audit logs were not displaying properly for clients on the cloud.
- Resolved an issue wherein the FacilityInfo link was not working in CCDA's and referral letters.
- Resolved an issue wherein a patient could be set as their own guardian/representative through the LegalRepresentative link.
- Resolved an issue wherein, under certain circumstances, referral letters were not appearing in the patient summary.
- Resolved an issue wherein columns in insurance payments were being resized after selecting a line item.
- Resolved an issue wherein the button to add all active problems to visit problems in an encounter's Diagnoses tab was missing.
- Resolved an issue wherein after viewing an encounter's invoice and then deleting the encounter, the encounter would not actually be deleted.
- Resolved an issue wherein an encounter created from an appointment without a facility would default to the first alphabetical facility and not the logged-in user's facility.
- Resolved an issue wherein treatment codes used in a One Option field could not be inserted into a note.
- Resolved an issue wherein the VisitPlanItems link was not being saved.
- Resolved an issue wherein, under certain circumstances, the Add to Smartsheet button in SmartSheet10 was not working.
- Resolved an issue wherein providers marked as terminated could still be set as the visit provider.
- Resolved an issue wherein stand-alone ICD-9 codes were not displaying correctly when added to visit problems.
- Resolved an issue wherein the patient assigned to an appointment could be changed when the appointment was already linked to an encounter.
- Resolved an issue wherein the ReasonForVisit link would disappear if the value was blank.
- Resolved an issue wherein encounters copied from now deleted encounter templates would be incorrectly named.
- Resolved an issue wherein, under certain circumstances, copying an encounter with a tremendous amount of diagnoses would cause TRAKnet to crash.
- Resolved an issue wherein creating a new day or time block would default the logged-in user as the provider, regardless of if they have a schedule.
- Resolved an issue wherein completed tasks would add to the count of pending tasks listed in the patient chart.
- Resolved an issue wherein selecting a ReferringProvider link on a Referral letter to set a new referring provider would not refresh the link to display the new information.
- Resolved an issue wherein deleted encounters would still prompt the user that a previous encounter is unsigned when creating a new encounter.
- Resolved an issue wherein inserting mini-templates and Custom Fields would cause the scroll position on the encounter to drastically change.
- Resolved an issue wherein, under certain circumstances, locations in the Properties tab would disappear from the list.
- Resolved an issue wherein the Print View checkbox in the note was no longer working.
- Resolved an issue wherein the charged amount in the claim history tab would change when the charge amount was changed in the invoice.
- Resolved an issue wherein Custom Fields could not be inserted into templates.
- Resolved an issue wherein the RecentLabs link showed all labs, not just the most recent lab.
- Resolved an issue wherein patients with no previous encounters would display erroneous information in the Progress Notes tab.
- Resolved an issue wherein, under certain circumstances, selecting an appointment type when creating an appointment would cause the patient search window to pop-up twice.
- Resolved an issue wherein the How-To button on the patient search window was not working.
- Resolved an issue wherein navigating from a payment to the related encounter and clicking 'Go to Patient Chart' would render the chart unusable.
- Resolved an issue wherein new phone calls or messages would not immediately appear in the Phone Messages tab in the patient chart.
- Resolved an issue wherein, on the minimum screen resolution of 1366x768, information was not being displayed correctly in an encounter's Diagnoses tab.
- Resolved an issue wherein, under certain circumstances, users would not receive a warning when attempting to edit an encounter that has been opened by another user.
Update for September 2nd, 2016
- Resolved an issue wherein saving a form as a new template would load the previous text editor.
- Resolved an issue wherein when editing a form such as HPI, Past Medical History, etc. the cursor would be placed before the template.
- Resolved an issue wherein the TodaysDate link was displaying incorrectly when used in Batch Print Superbills.
- Resolved an issue wherein the TodaysDate link was not an option to insert into a template when managing templates.
- Resolved an issue wherein the VisitProblems link could not be used inside of certain forms, such as VisitData.
- Resolved an issue wherein links could not be copied by right-clicking on them.
- Resolved an issue wherein pressing the ctrl key on the keyboard would deselect text, making it impossible to use the copy shortcut.
- Resolved an issue wherein the progress bar displayed when sending CCDA's was missing.
Update for September 12th, 2016
- Resolved an issue wherein the Sign button was not available in CCDA's.
- Resolved an issue wherein double-clicking on patient insurances in the invoice would open the insurance to edit, but also would select the insurance even if the window was canceled.
- Resolved an issue wherein the ability to cut, copy, paste and format links was erroneously removed.
- Resolved an issue wherein creating or opening an encounter from the list view of the scheduler would reset manual adjustments made to the list view's column width.
- Resolved an issue wherein the ability to add words to the dictionary was not working.
- Resolved an issue wherein links held within text frames were not initially displaying.
- Resolved an issue wherein the document title in patient forms would not update when a different template folder was selected.
- Resolved an issue wherein selecting the 'Imaging Results' or 'Proc/Op Notes' folder in Patient forms gave an erroneous message.
- Resolved an issue wherein the VisitProvider link on Superbills was not displaying correctly.
- Resolved an issue wherein superbills could not be edited before being printed.
- Resolved an issue wherein, under certain circumstances, batch print superbills would not finish loading.
page revision: 10, last edited: 22 Jan 2021 19:26