Queries Reports
Below is the list of Queries that are available in TRAKnet 3.0. They are found under Billing Dashboard > Reports > Queries. They can be executed with the Execute button; exported with the Export button; and printed with the Print button. They may or may not have a variety of filters available, depending on each report.
- Adjustments and Write-Offs – all adjustments and write-off amounts on all payment during specified date range.
- Appointment Audit Log – all appointments that have been rescheduled.
- Appointments by Insurance – all appointments by specified Insurance and date range.
- Appointments from Referrals – all appointments by specified referring providers and date range.
- Appointments Without Encounters – Appointments that do not have a linked Encounter during a specified date range.
- Average Appointment Time – the average time between checked in and checked out appointments for the date range specified. Note: Appointments that are missing one or both check in or out time are not included in this calculation.
- Average Billable by Facility – all facilities, number of Encounters during the date range specified and the total amount billed and average amount billed for each facility.
- Average Billable by Provider – all providers, number of Encounters during the date range specified, the total amount billed and the average amount billed for each provider
- Average Collected by Facility – all facilities number of Encounters during the date range specified, the total amount billed and collected, the billable and collected amount per Encounter and the collection percent. Note that this query does not look at encounters that do not have associated diagnoses codes.
- Average Collected by Provider – all providers, number of Encounters during the date range specified, the total amount billed and collected, the billable and collected amount per Encounter and the collection percent. Note that this query does not look at encounters that do not have associated diagnoses codes.
- Backdated Payments – a record of payments in which the date paid is different from the date created as you entered them into TRAKnet 3.0. In terms of accounting, you may want to track these, since these payments may not appear on the accounting reports generated.
- Blue Orchid Marketing – information that is used to gather a variety of information that can be sent to Blue Orchid Marketing, a third party service that is utilized by some customers.
- Cancelled Appointments – this will show all appointments for a set date range that have been cancelled.
- Charges with a Negative Balance – all charges where the payments exceed the billed amount.
- Codes by Provider and Insurance – allows the user to specify a CPT® code and displays the number of times each provider has billed that code, listed by insurance.
- Complaints – all complaints that can be found in the system.
- Completed Orders – all completed vendor orders during the specified date range.
- Days Sales Outstanding – a report that estimates the average collection period for the practice by looking at prior collections to make a calculation for the future.
- Diagnoses – all diagnoses that can be found in the system.
- Duplicate Patient Account Numbers – patients that have a duplicate patient with the same account number. Note: Hidden or removed patients are included in this query.
- Duplicate Patients by SSN – patients that have a duplicate patient with the same Social Security Number (SSN). Note: Hidden or removed patients are included in this query.
- Duplicate Patients in a Group – patients that have a duplicate patient assigned to the same group. Note: Hidden or removed patients are included in this query.
- Employers – all Employers that can be found in the system.
- Encounters Awaiting Primary Payment Grouped by Provider and Sorted by Date Submitted – shows all Encounters that have no payment from the primary insurance. Filtered by date range (submitted) and provider.
- Encounters Awaiting Secondary Payment Grouped by Provider and Sorted by Date Submitted – shows all Encounters that have no payment from the secondary insurance. Filtered by date range (submitted) and provider.
- Encounters Awaiting Tertiary Payment Grouped by Provider and Sorted by Date Submitted – shows all Encounters that have no payment from the Tertiary insurance. Filtered by date range (submitted) and provider.
- Encounters by Non-Providers – Encounters created by users that are not providers.
- Encounters Not Billed – all Encounters that do not have “Bill Ready” checked off.
- Encounters Not Charted – all Encounters that have not been signed.
- Encounters Not Patient Responsible – all Encounters that are not flagged as “Patient Responsible”.
- Encounters with Balances by Amounts (+/-) – all Encounters that have a balance that is less than the amount specified.
- Encounters with Balances by Provider – a record of patient balances attributed to the provider associated with the Encounter on which the charges were entered.
- Encounters with Balances Less than a Dollar (+/-) – all Encounters that have a balance that is less than a dollar.
- Encounters with Claim Hold Dates – all Encounters that currently fall within patient claim hold dates.
- Encounters with Negative Balances – all Encounters that have a negative balance.
- Encounters with Treatment Code – all Encounters that contain a specific treatment code within a specified date range.
- Encounters with Treatment Code by Facility – all Encounters that contain a specific treatment code, at a specific location and specified by date range.
- Encounters without a Facility – all Encounters that do not have a facility specified.
- Encounters without a Provider – all Encounters that do not have a provider specified.
- Encounters without Charges or Diagnoses – all Encounters that do not contain any charges or diagnoses codes.
- Encounters without Insurance Sequencing – all Encounters that do not have any insurance sequence in the Claim Details tab of the Encounter.
- Encounters without Payments – all Encounters during the specified date range that do not have any payments against any charges.
- Encounters without Related Diagnoses – all Encounters that contain CPT codes that do not have related diagnoses codes.
- Hidden Appointments – a record of hidden appointments. Good report to use to track these since there is no way to view or restore them from the scheduler or patient’s chart.
- Hidden Inventory – a record of hidden treatments (non-service) that have a quantity not equal to 0. Items you should be able to sell but can’t access.
- History – all the History lists in the system.
- Insurance – all the insurances in the system.
- Insurance Payments by Payment Date – all insurance payments by specified payment date range.
- Insurance Payments by Service Date – all insurance payments by specified service date range.
- Insurance Payments of $0 – all charges where there was an insurance payment of $0 made, specified by date range.
- Insurance Payments with a Provider Payment – all insurance payments, by specified date range, which also had a portion of the insurance payment applied to a provider payment (interest, late fee, etc.).
- Insurance Payments with Balance – all insurance payments with a remaining balance.
- Insurance to Claim Office – a record of claims offices and the parent insurance company. (This can help determine the parent insurance company when you know the claim office.)
- Inventory – a record of treatments (non-service) that have a positive quantity.
- Inventory without a Vendor – all inventory products that do not have a linked vendor.
- Locations and Facilities – all locations and facilities in the system.
- Marketing Referrals – the marketing referral source and how many referrals were attributed to each specific source during the specified date range.
- Negative Inventory – all products that have a negative balance in the system.
- Patients Alerts – a record of all patient alerts that are not finished. An aggregate of all patient alerts in one report rather than searching through all patient charts.
- Patient Birthdates – all patients that have a birthday during the specific number of days in the future.
- Patient CoPayments – all patient copayments that are taken during the specified date range.
- Patient Payments with Balance – all patient payments that have a remaining balance.
- Patient to Claim Office – a record of all patient insurance entries where a claim office is involved. Claim office is a field that is not easily identifiable per parent insurance.
- Patient with Expired Primary Insurance – all patients who have a primary insurance that has an expiration date that is older than the date specified.
- Patient with Expired Secondary Insurance – all patients who have a secondary insurance that has an expiration date that is older than the date specified.
- Patient with Expired Tertiary Insurance – all patients who have a tertiary insurance that has an expiration date that is older than the date specified.
- Patients – all the patients in the system.
- Patients Added by Provider – all patients that were created by a specific provider during the specified date range.
- Patients by CPT Code – all patients that have had a specific CPT code during a specific date range.
- Patients by Diagnoses Code – all patients that have had a specific diagnoses code during a specific date range.
- Patients by Facility – a list of patients that have a certain default facility that the user inputs into the report.
- Patients by Insurance – all patients that have the specified insurance in their chart.
- Patients in Collections – all patients that have the “collections” flag checked off in their chart.
- Patients with an Insurance Hold Date – all patients that have an insurance hold date range setup inside their chart.
- Patients with Insurance – all patients that have insurance.
- Patients with Labs Awaiting Results – all patients that have lab orders that have been sent off but not yet received.
- Patients with No Insurance – patients that do not have any insurance listed in their chart.
- Patients with Out of Sequence Insurance – all patients that have an insurance listed in their insurance sequence that is preceded in the sequence by a “none” selection.
- Patients with the Same Birthdate – patients that have the same birthdate.
- Patients without a Complete Address – all patients that do not have a complete address.
- Patients without a Phone Number – all patients that do not have a phone number.
- Patients Without Allergies – all patients who have no allergies entered.
- Patients without an Email Address – all patients that do not have an email address.
- Patients without Insurance Sequencing – all patients that do not have any insurance sequencing in their chart.
- Patients without Medications – all patients who have no medications entered.
- Payments by Insurance Type Code – a summary of insurance payments by insurance type code and specified date range.
- Payments on Hidden Charges – a record of payments tied to a treatment that has been removed. This is a very valuable report as the payment is recorded or applied but may not show on the patient’s Encounter or on accounting reports.
- Payments Received By – all payments received during a specific date range and the user that entered the payment into the system.
- Pending Claims by Insurance – all pending claims for a specific insurance.
- Pending Claims by Insurance and Days Past – all pending claims for a specific insurance that are a specific number of days past or older.
- Pending Orders – all pending vendor orders in the system.
- Properties – all properties in the system.
- Provider Payments with Balance – a record of all split payments wherein the payer is a user or provider.
- Providers – all providers in the system.
- Reconciled inventory – all inventory products that have been reconciled in the system.
- Referral Letters – all referral letters that have been created during the specified date range.
- Referrals by Encounters – a record of referring providers associated with an Encounter for a date range.
- Referrals by New Patients – a record of referring providers associated with patients that were created within the date range.
- Referring Providers – all referring providers in the system.
- Reminders – all reminders that have a due date that falls between the specified date range.
- SQL Queries by Date Created – all SQL queries and the date they were created.
- Statements – all statements that were created during the specified date range.
- Superbill Diagnoses – all diagnoses codes that are listed on the Superbill.
- Superbill Treatments – all treatment codes that are listed on the Superbill.
- Templates – all templates in the system.
- Top Chief Complaints Used – the most common chief complaints by a user specified amount of records.
- Top Diagnoses Used – the most common diagnoses by a user specified amount of records.
- Top Prescriptions Dispensed – the most prescriptions prescribed by a specified amount of records.
- Top Primary Physicians by Patients – the most common primary physicians by a specified amount of records.
- Top Referring Providers by Encounters – the most common referring providers by Encounters by a specified amount of records.
- Top Referring Providers by Patients – the most common referring providers by patients by a specified amount of records
- Top Templates Used – the most common templates used by a specified amount of records.
- Top Treatments Used – the most common treatments used by a specified amount of records.
- Treatment Code Analysis – the number of times a specific treatment code was billed, total charges, total payments and total adjustments during a specific date range.
- Treatments – all treatment codes in the system.
- Unreconciled Inventory – all inventory products that have not been reconciled.
- Unsubmitted Encounters (All) – all Encounters that have a note date during the specified date range that have not been submitted.
- Unsubmitted Encounters (Not Responsible) – displays all Encounters that are not flagged as “Patient Responsible”, have a note date during the specified date range and have not been submitted.
- Unsubmitted Encounters (Responsible) – all Encounters that are flagged as patient responsibility and have a note date during the specified date range that have not been submitted.
- Unsubmitted Encounters with Balances by Provider – a record of Encounters that have not been submitted for claims processing and have a balance, filtered by provider. This is a way to track any Encounters that may have not submitted to insurance.
- Users – all users in the system.
- Vendors – all vendors in the system.
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page revision: 6, last edited: 01 Jun 2016 21:16