Public Health Reporting

This page will explain the Public Health Reporting measure of the Stage 2 Revision for 2015.

For Meaningful Use

Public Health Reporting is a three-part measure that is required in the new Stage 2 Revision of Meaningful Use for 2015.

Objective #10
Public Health Reporting - Immunization Registry Reporting
Stage 2
Measure Option 1 – Immunization Registry Reporting: The EP is in active engagement with a public health agency to submit immunization data.
Exclusions: Any EP meeting one or more of the following criteria may be excluded from the immunization registry reporting measure if the EP—

  • Does not administer any immunizations to any of the populations for which data is collected by its jurisdiction's immunization registry or immunization information system during the EHR reporting period;
  • Operates in a jurisdiction for which no immunization registry or immunization information system is capable of accepting the specific standards required to meet the CEHRT definition at the start of the EHR reporting period; or
  • Operates in a jurisdiction where no immunization registry or immunization information system has declared readiness to receive immunization data from the EP at the start of the EHR reporting period

Public Health Reporting - Syndromic Surveillance Reporting
Stage 2
Measure Option 2 – Syndromic Surveillance Reporting: The EP is in active engagement with a public health agency to submit syndromic surveillance data.
Exclusion for EPs: Any EP meeting one or more of the following criteria may be excluded from the syndromic surveillance reporting measure if the EP:
Is not in a category of providers from which ambulatory syndromic surveillance data is collected by their jurisdiction's syndromic surveillance system;
Operates in a jurisdiction for which no public health agency is capable of receiving electronic syndromic surveillance data from EPs in the specific standards required to meet the CEHRT definition at the start of the EHR reporting period; or
Operates in a jurisdiction where no public health agency has declared readiness to receive syndromic surveillance data from EPs at the start of the EHR reporting period.

Public Health Reporting - Specialized Registry Reporting
Stage 2
Measure Option 3 – Specialized Registry Reporting: The EP is in active engagement to submit data to a specialized registry.
Exclusions: Any EP meeting at least one of the following criteria may be excluded from the specialized registry reporting measure if the EP—

  • Does not diagnose or treat any disease or condition associated with, or collect relevant data that is collected by, a specialized registry in their jurisdiction during the EHR reporting period;
  • Operates in a jurisdiction for which no specialized registry is capable of accepting electronic registry transactions in the specific standards required to meet the CEHRT definition at the start of the EHR reporting period; or
  • Operates in a jurisdiction where no specialized registry for which the EP is eligible has declared readiness to receive electronic registry transactions at the beginning of the EHR reporting period.

Stage 1
An EP scheduled to be in Stage 1 in 2015 may meet 1 measure or if they do not meet any of the measures, then the EP can claim an exclusion.

Additional Information

Stage 2 and Stage 1

Quality Initiatives Patient Assessment Instruments

You can go either way with this objective. You can 1) claim an exclusion to all 3 measures within the public health objective. If you get audited, your position can be that there is not registry for podiatry; Or
2) users can sign up for the US Wound Registry. While its not for podiatry, you can then submit information about one of the measures on the registry. Cost is about $300-400


The below webinar link will begin directly at Objective 10:

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