This page will explain the categories available on the Properties tab in TRAKnet 3.1. For more details about any tab, click the links below.
The properties tab is one of the primary navigation tabs in TRAKnet 3.1. It is listed along the left-hand side of the software and is the 6th tab listed. The properties menu is where data is added to the system for use elsewhere; things such as Insurances, Users, Charges, etc.
The properties tab is broken down in an explorer view which lists several categories. Categories can be added to by selecting the category and clicking the green Add button, which is standard across most screens of TRAKnet 3.1.
The categories of data under the properties tab are as follows:
Advanced Patient Search — An advanced way to search for, filter, and export patient.
Users — The category under which users are added.
User Groups — The category under which user groups are added.
Referring/Supervising Providers — The category under which patient Referring/Supervising providers are added.
Facilities/Locations — The category under which facilities and locations are added.
Insurance — The category under which insurances are added.
Employers — The category under which patient employers are added.
Allergies — The category under which patient allergies favorites are stored. Note this is no longer used for current Allergies please see NEMO Rx
Treatments — The category under which treatments or charges are added.
Collection Agencies — Collection agencies the office works with.
Collection Letters — Collection letters the office uses.
Collection Rules — Rules used as a basis in the collection module.
Payment Types — The category under which payment types are added.
TSYS (TranFirst) Merchant Accounts — The category under which TransFirst processing information is added.
Open Edge — The category under which Open Edge processing information is added.
Property Values — The category under which system values and property values are added.