This page will explain how to use the Phone Messages tool on the patient's chart in TRAKnet 3.1.
Phone Messages
Phone Messages are a tool built into TRAKnet to provide a convenient, easily accessible location for referring, storing and updating patient phone messages. While the use of this feature is entirely up to the discretion of the practice, typical uses would include:
- Recording phone conversations with the patient
- Documenting attempted calls to a patient
- Documenting other communication made to and from the patient
Phone Messages are both created and later viewed from the Patient's Chart.
Adding a Phone Message
To add a new phone message for a patient, first open the patient in question. On the Workspace, or default, tab, click on the Phone Call/Message button on the right-hand side of the patient's chart.
This will open the Message window where you will have several options for creating the phone message.
- Assigned To - Phone Messages are added to TRAKnet as a Task, the Assigned To identifies who the task will be assigned to. There are two options
- Add - Allows you to select users
- Select all - selects all users in TRAKnet
- Patient Name - This will be autopopulated with the name of the Patient.
- Encoutner Name - If this phone message needs to be assigned to an encounter the user can select the encounter to assign it to.
- Date Due - The date when this task should be completed by
- Follow-Up Date - The date the task should be followed up on if necessary
- Task Type - The task type will default to Phone Messaged when using the Phone Message button.
- Status - The current status of the task.
Writing the Phone Message
Phone Messages are a free-text field; that is, you are free to type anything required into the body of the Message. If you would like to use a template for Phone Calls and messages refer to the Task List page for instructions on how to add task types and templates for tasks.
Sending/Saving a Phone Message
After entering the necessary phone call information, click on Assign To and select a user to assign this message to. If you are not intending to send a message to another user and are simply documenting a phone call, it is recommended to send the message to yourself.
Click "Send Message" to send the message.
Reviewing Previous Phone Messages
To review phone messages that were previously sent, return to the patient's chart and click on the Phone Messages tab. All previous phone messages will be recorded this tab. Clicking on a phone message will open a preview of that message in the lower portion of the screen where you may print, edit, or delete the phone message.