This page will explain how to utilize TRAKnet's PADnet integration.
Setting up the PADnet Integration
To Begin using this integration you must first contact PADnet's customer support to setup your cloud connector.
While waiting for your cloud connection, you will need to contact NEMO Health's customer support to enable the PADnet feature. After this has been implemented, TRAKnet will automatically create the folders needed for PADnet. In addition, if you have more than one PADnet machine/Database, you can start adding your unique PADnet machines under Tools>Options>Integrations>PADnet ( separating the PADnet Site Id's by commas).

Creating a PADnet Radiology Order
To begin creating your PADnet radiology order you simple need to click the "Send to PADnet" button located next to the "Demographics" button in the patients' chart.

From here TRAKnet will do one of the following based on your previous orders
- If your patient has no PADnet orders
- TRAKnet will create a Radiology order automatically for you based on the following details
- Today's Date (The Order date and Lab date can be modified by going to the Radiology Orders section in the patients chart)
- Last encounter location
- Last encounter provider
- TRAKnet will then send a request to create/modify your patient in PADnet
- TRAKnet will create a Radiology order automatically for you based on the following details
- If your patient already has a PADnet order without results we will simply send a a message to update the patients demographics in PADnet.
Receiving Your PADnet Results
To pull your PADnet results into TRAKnet you simply click Tools>Pull from PADnet

If there are any records to be pulled TRAKnet will process each record and show a small window allow the user to open the PDF results.

If you receive a message stating the patient cannot be found in TRAKnet you simply just need to update the patients account number in PADnet or you can update the patients account number in TRAKnet (they must match). After updating the account number please attempt to pull the record again.
Viewing Your PADnet Record From the Patients Chart
To view your patients PADnet record from the patients chart simply click the PADnet tab. This will show each integrated PADnet order.