

Mini-templates are templates that can be quickly and easily embedded into larger, Encounter Form templates. Mini-templates allow the user to assemble a note by selecting from a variety of categories and inserting the template most relevant to that patient's visit.

Templates Tab

The templates tab allows you to embed a specific mini template into an Encounter Form. This mini-template can then be clicked and used when charting, or left unanswered if need. Unanswered mini-templates will be removed from the body of the encounter when marking Sign & Close, making them an ideal method for customizing a template for each individual situation.

The Template tab has two drop-down menus: First, the template category; Second, the specific template within that category. There are a variety of categories of templates that are available when using the template picker:

  • DischargeSummary
  • Encounter Forms
  • FunctionalStatus
  • FutureAppointments
  • FutureScheduledTests
  • Goals
  • HPI
  • Instructions
  • PastMedicalHistory
  • PastSurgicalHistory
  • PatientEducation
  • PatientMessages
  • PE
  • Plan
  • PQRS
  • ROS
  • SocialHistory
  • VisitData

These template categories can be modified under Manage Templates, selecting the respective TemplateType from the drop-down menu. They are all considered "mini-templates", although Encounter Form templates can either be chosen as the encounter's template when creating a new encounter, or used as a mini-template.

To embed a mini-template, place the mouse cursor in the desired location of the opened template, select the template type, and then select the desired mini-template from that category.

Once you have selected the template category, e.g. HPI, you must then select the specific template, e.g. 2014 Gout. Click the select button next to your desired mini-template and this template will now be embedded into the Encounter Form for use in future encounters.

Template Selector

The Template Selector tool allows you to link a word into a mini-template type. To accomplish this, highlight the word you would like to turn into the template quicklink, e.g. Plan. Click the Template Selector tool, then click OK. When using the Encounter Form this has been embedded in to, clicking the Plan button will automatically open the full list of Plan mini-templates, allowing for swift navigation through the various types of mini-templates.

Related Pages

Managing Templates
Template Creation QuickSheet

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