This page will provide a list of all available quick links and their uses.
For Links (Web), referring to the Links drop-down menu, click here.
What is a Quick Link?
A Quick Link, otherwise referred to simply as a Link, is a tool used in TRAKnet 3.0 to collect and present structured data. A quick link will appear in a template in a «format» and will pre-populate with information regarding a patient, their visit, or the office as a whole. Quick links are a critical tool in using TRAKnet 3.0, specifically dashboards and encounters.
Quick links are categorized for ease of use, and can be quickly searched with the search box above the listed links. Each category, the quick links contained therein, and a brief description of their use can be found below.
Patient fields quick links pull over patient demographic information. Generally, these links will present and populate data from the patient's chart > demographics button.
The links available are:
- AcctNo — The patient's account number.
- Address — Patient's address, line one.
- Address2 — Patient's address, line two.
- Age — Patient's age.
- AllowedPhoneContacts — Who the patient has authorized a phone message may be left with.
- CellPhone — Patient's cell phone number.
- City — Patient's city.
- Concerns — Patient Concerns
- ContactViaEmail — A yes or no. Does the patient allow contact via email?
- ContactViaMail — A yes or no. Does the patient allow contact via mail?
- ContactViaPhone — A yes or no. Does the patient allow contact via phone?
- ContactViaSMS — A yes or no. Does the patient allow contact via text?
- DateDeceased — The date the patient was marked deceased.
- DateIllness — The date of present illness.
- DateLastSeen — The date the patient was last seen by PCP, as indicated under demographics.
- DefaultFacility — The patient's default facility.
- DOB — Patient's date of birth.
- EMail — Patient's email address.
- EmergencyContact — The emergency contact name.
- EmergencyPhone — Emergency contact's phone number.
- Ethnicity — Patient's ethnicity.
- FirstName — Patient's first name.
- Gender Identity — Patient's gender.
- Generation — Patient's generation.
- HbA1C — This link will pull over the patient's most up to date A1c level record, or clicking on it will open the A1c screen.
- Language — Patient's primary language.
- LastEncounterDate — The date of the last encounter in TRAKnet.
- LastName — Patient's last name.
- Marketing — How the patient heard about the practice.
- MiddleName — Patient's middle name.
- Name — Patient's name as populated in name field of demographics.
- Nick Name — The name the patient prefers to be called.
- Observations — Allows the user to enter their Observations
- PCP — Patient's primary care, first and last name.
- PCPFax — Patient's primary care provider's fax number.
- PCPInfo — Patient's primary care, first and last name, title, and address.
- PCPPhone Patient's primary care provider's phone number.
- Phone — Patient's phone.
- PreferredPhone — Patient's preferred phone number. Lists their home, cell, or work phone number based on the preference set in Demographics.
- Problems — Patients diagnosis (includes all diagnosis entries)
- Race — Patient's race.
- ReferringProvider — Patient's referring provider first name and last name.
- ReferringProviderFax — Patient's referring provider's fax number.
- ReferringProviderInfo — Patient's referring provider first name, last name, title, and address.
- ReferringProviderPhone —
- RoomNumber — Patient's room number as indicated on demographics.
- SendMedicationHistory — A yes or no. Should medication history be sent?
- Sex The patient's Sex.
- Sexual Orientation The patient's sexual orientation.
- SourceOfPayment — Source of payment for this patient.
- SSN — Social security number.
- State — Patient's state.
- WorkPhone — Patient's work phone number.
- Zipcode — Patient's zip code. : definition
Patient data quick links relate to patient medical information rather than patient demographic information as found under the patient fields. This information is populated in a variety of locations in TRAKnet.
The available links and a description of each follows:
- ActiveAllergies — All active allergies for this patient.
- ActiveAllergiesDetailed — Detailed list of all active allergies for this patient.
- ActiveMedications — All active medications for this patient.
- ActiveMedicationsDetailed — Detailed list of all active medications for this patient.
- ActiveProblems — All active problems for this patient.
- AllVitals — Displays all vital sign records for this patient.
- CareTeam — Lists all people indicated under the Care Team on the patient's chart.
- CurrentDate The current date.
- CurrentSmokingStatus — The patients current smoking status.
- Date This link allows for a static date set by the user.
- EffectiveDate — Allows the user to enter an effective date.
- FamilyHistory — Patient's family history data.
- FunctionalStatus — A link which opens the Functional Status templates that could be used to document a patient's functional status. On default, there will be a "Normal" template, stating this is Normal.
- FutureAppointments — Displays all future appointments for this patient.
- GlobalPeriod — This link will indicate if the patient is within a global period. Clicking on this link will open a pop up with details about the global period.
- GoadDetails — This link allows free type entry of the Goal details.
- Goals — Opens the list of Goals templates, used to indicate a goal for this patient. E.g. "lose weight" or "quit smoking," etc.
- HistoryFromDate — Allows the user to indicate a history starting date.
- HistorySmokingStatus — Allows the user to enter the patients smoking history.
- HistorytoDate — Allows the user to indicate a history end date.
- Immunizations — A link which shows the patients immunizations and allows entry of immunization information.
- Instructions — Opens the list of Instructions templates, used to provide the patient with a set of instructions following their visit. E.g. "follow up with PCP" or "call in condition does not improve in one week."
- NewPrescriptions — Displays any new medications added to this patient. Clicking this link opens the prescription wizard to write a prescription.
- PastAppointments — Displays all past appointments for this patient.
- PastHistory — Displays all information from the PastHx screen in the patient's chart.
- PastMedicalHistory — Displays the patient's past medical history.
- PastSurgicalHistory — Displays the patient's past surgical history.
- PatientDocuments — Lists the patient's most recent document, as seen in the All Documents tab.
- PrimaryDiagnosis — Clicking this link will open the Diagnoses tab, where the patient's diagnoses can be recorded and reviewed. Note: It will not update back into the encounter if used in an Encounter Form. It is instead recommended to use the «VisitProblems» link.
- Procedures — An alternative way to indicate surgical history and past procedures user SnoMED codes to do so, clicking this link allows the user to search for a procedure to add. Once added, the link will populate with all documented procedures for that patient.
- RecentLabs — Displays the most recent lab order entered under Orders > Lab Orders.
- ReferralToProviders — Clicking this link opens the Referral templates available in your system. Selecting a template and clicking save will populate this link with that template. An example of using this would be to create a template that simply says "referred patient to Dr. Surgeon regarding (blank)" which can then be inserted as needed.
- SmokingStatus — Displays the patient's smoking status information.
- SocialHistory — Displays the social history template and previously documented records.
- Status — Allows entry patient status items.
- Tasks — A link to show patient tasks and create a new task for the patient.
- UniqueDeviceIdentifiers — A link to show the patients Unique Device Identifiers.
- Vitals — Displays only on vital sign record. When used in an encounter, displays linked vital signs; if no vital sign record is linked to that encounter, displays the most recent record.
Visit Fields
Visit fields are links that pull over visit specific information about a patient.
These links include:
- AgeAtVisit — This link will automatically populate with the patient's age as of the encounter date (this is based on their date of birth).
- Assessment — This link allows the user to enter a free typed assessment.
- DischargeDate — This link will open a calendar where the patient's discharge date can be entered.
- DischargeSummary — This link will open a template window where patient documents created for discharge purposes can be selected.
- HPI — This link will open the HPI set of mini-templates.
- LinkedAppointmentDate — This link will indicate the date of the linked appointment.
- LinkedAppointmentTime — This link will indicate the time of the linked appointment.
- PE — This link will open the PE set of mini-templates.
- ReasonForReferrals — This link will allow the user to enter a reason for referral.
- ReasonForVisit — This link will open the Reason for Visit templates where the user can document the patient's primary reason for coming in. The default example is cough. This can be edited under Manage Templates.
- ROS — This link will insert the ROS template.
- RTC — This link will open a window where the time the patient should return to the clinic can be documented (e.g. 5 weeks for follow up as arranged for above plan items). This will then create a task on the patient's chart, under Tasks.
- TreatmentFlow — This link will open the Plans mini-templates where plans can be documented.
- VisitData — This link opens a template screen where patient documents can be generated.
- VisitDate — This link populates with the date of the visit.
- VisitPlanItems — Opens the Select Plan Items screen where plan items such as requesting an appointment or requiring an x-ray can be documented.
- VisitProblems — This link will populate with all visit problems as listed on the Diagnosis tab. Clicking this link will open the encounter's diagnoses.
- VisitProvider — This link will populate with the provider on that visit.
- VisitTreatments — This link will populate with all visit treatments as listed on the Invoice tab. Clicking this link will open the treatment editor to add new treatments.
- VitalsOnEncounterDay — This link will pre-populate with any vital signs documented on the date of that encounter.
Misc links are general links that have no other relevant category.
These links include:
- ConfidentialityCode — This allows the user to set the ConfidentialityCode
- FacilityInfo — This link will list the name and address of the facility that reflects the user's signed-in location.
- InkSignature — This link will open a signature window where a patient may provide an electronic signature.
- InterfaxDateSent — This link will display the sent date on a fax after being sent.
- InterfaxRecipientFax — This link will display the fax recipient number after the fax has been sent.
- InterfaxRecipientName — This link will display the fax recipients name after the fax has been sent.
- LanguageAbilityMode — This link indicates the patients' language ability mode.
- PageField — This link indicates the page number.
- PatientSignature — This link allows the patient to enter a signature.
- PracticeHeader — This link will insert the document header into the template.
- PracticeName — A link to display the practice name.
- PracticePhone — A link to display the practice phone number.
- QualityMeasures — This link will display the patient's Quality Measures.
- ReligiousAffiliation — A link to select and display the patients religious affiliation.
- UserName — This link will display the Username of the user who is currently logged into TRAKnet.
Billing links are designed to pull over billing-specific information, specifically for an individual patient.
These links include:
- DateToCollections — The date the patient was put into collections, per their demographics.
- Employer — The patient's employer.
- EmploymentStatus — The patient's employment status.
- HoldChargesFrom — The starting date for hold charges, per their demographics.
- HoldChargesTo — The ending date for hold charges, per their demographics.
- Insurance — This link will display all of the following information on the patient's primary insurance: name, office name, subscriber #, group name, group #, start date, end date, copay.
- LegalRepresentative — This link will display the name of the patient's legal representative.
- MaritalStatus — The patient's marital status, per their demographics.
- MinimumPayment — The patient's minimum payment amount.
- MonthlyDueDate — The patient's monthly due date for their payments.
- PatientBalance — The patient's current balance. Green is a positive, red is a negative or credit.
- PrimaryCopay — The patient's copay for their primary insurance.
- PrimaryGroupName — The patient's group name for their primary insurance.
- PrimaryGroupNo — The patient's group number for their primary insurance.
- PrimaryInsEnd — The patient's primary insurance end date.
- PrimaryInsName — The patient's primary insurance name.
- PrimaryInsOffice — The patient's primary insurance claim office name.
- PrimaryInsPhone — The patient's primary insurance's phone number.
- PrimaryInsStart — The patient's primary insurance's start date.
- PrimarySubscriberNo — The patient's subscriber number for their primary insurance.
- ReleaseOfInformation — The patient's Release of Information indication per their demographics.
- SecondaryCopay — The patient's copay for their secondary insurance.
- SecondaryGroupName — The patient's group name for their secondary insurance.
- SecondaryGroupNo — The patient's group number for their secondary insurance.
- SecondaryInsEnd — The patient's secondary insurance end date.
- SecondaryInsName — The patient's secondary insurance name.
- SecondaryInsOffice — The patient's secondary insurance claim office name.
- SecondaryInsPhone — The patient's secondary insurance's phone number.
- SecondaryInsStart — The patient's secondary insurance's start date.
- SecondarySubscriberNo — The patient's subscriber number for their secondary insurance.
- SendStatement — The send statement status for this patient. True or False, i.e. does this patient receive statements or not?
- StatementMessage — The statement message that prints on this patient's statements, per their demographics.
- StudentStatus — The patient's student status.
- TertiaryCopay — The patient's copay for their tertiary insurance.
- TertiaryGroupName — The patient's group name for their tertiary insurance.
- TertiaryGroupNo — The patient's group number for their tertiary insurance.
- TertiaryInsEnd — The patient's tertiary insurance end date.
- TertiaryInsName — The patient's tertiary insurance name.
- TertiaryInsOffice — The patient's tertiary insurance claim office name.
- TertiaryInsPhone — The patient's tertiary insurance phone number.
- TertiaryInsStart — The patient's tertiary insurance start date.
- TertiarySubscriberNo — The patient's tertiary insurance subscriber number.