Insurance Claim Submission Analysis
The Insurance Claim Submission Analysis report is an Advanced Report which displays the submitted claims within a date range. The report will show the amount charged as well as the balance due with the percentage remaining.
The Insurance Claim Submission Analysis report shows the charge amount, balance due and percentage remaining of all claims sent to a specific insurance, grouped by date. Note that the amounts in this report are cumulative of all claims sent on that day for that insurance company. For example, if two claims are sent for Aetna, one for $50 and one for $80, the report will have one line for Aetna on that date with a charge amount of $130. Each line will display the following information:
- Class — The insurance type on that claim, e.g. Commercial Insurance.
- ID — The insurance's Payer ID.
- Insurance — The insurance name.
- Charge Amount — Total amount of all claims sent to that insurance company on that date.
- Balance Due — The remaining amount due of all claims sent to that insurance company on that date.
- % Remaining — The amount of the original charge that still remains. (Balance Due / Charge Amount * 100)
This report has two filters:
- Start Date - The starting date for the report. This will default to today's date.
- End Date - The ending date for the report. This will default to today's date.
Sample Report
page revision: 8, last edited: 10 Oct 2016 19:46