Installing TRAKnet 3.1
This page is meant as a guide to assist TRAKnet users in installing TRAKnet 3.1 on workstations at the practice.
Downloading TRAKnet 3.1
To begin the installation of TRAKnet 3.1 start by first downloading the TRAKnet 3.1 installer. You can do this by clicking Here.
Once you have successfully downloaded TRAKnet 3.1, you can install the software. Start by opening the installer after the download is complete.
Installing TRAKnet 3.0
After you have opened the installer, follow the prompts to install TRAKnet 3.0. The prompts will appear in the following order:

Note: During installation, a User Account Control setting prompt may appear. Click Yes to proceed.
Once complete, click close to exit the installer.
A new icon will appear on your desktop.
After opening TRAKnet 3.1, from the Login screen of TRAKnet 3.1 click on Auto-Configure in the bottom left of the login screen.

Here you will enter your Practice ID and Code. After entering the Practice ID and Code, click "Auto-Configure" to configure your practice settings, then click OK.

Remember, it is important to keep your Practice ID and Code somewhere easily accessible for use later
If you do not know your Practice ID and Code, or do not have a Practice ID and Code, please contact TRAKnet support at 248-213-9900 and speak with one of our Client Support Specialists who can assist you.
Once you have entered your Practice ID and Code, click Auto-Configure. A pop-up will appear stating that the settings have been saved.
You may now close the Setup screen and log into TRAKnet 3.0 using your office's information.
Note: If when clicking "OK" on the Auto-Configure pop-up an error occurs please confirm the error, click "Auto-Configure" and click "OK" again.