This page will walk the user through the steps necessary to create a claim with ICD-10 codes present for ICD-10 testing.
Activating ICD-10
The first step to activate ICD-10 is to click the Help drop-down menu along the top menu bar of TRAKnet, then select Practice Settings.
Check the check-box for ICD-10 under Active? and click Save. You will need to restart TRAKnet before this change will take effect.
Setting this to True will cause the SmartSheet10 tab on the Diagnosis screen of the patient's chart or encounter screen to become active, allowing the user access to their previously created SmartSheets.
Creating SmartSheets
To add an ICD-10 diagnosis code to a patient's chart or encounter you must create a SmartSheet. Below are various guides on creating SmartSheets and navigating the SmartSheet10 feature:
- SmartSheet10 - This page contains basic information about SmartSheet.
- Creating a SmartSheet - This page assists users in creating a SmartSheet within SmartSheet10
- Introduction to SmartSheet10 - This page will assist a user in utilizing SmartSheet10
- SmartConvert - This page will detail converting diagnoses using SmartConvert.
Allowing an Insurance to Send ICD-10
On default, all claims will send with ICD-9 codes. To send an ICD-10 code on a claim, you must modify the insurance you are billing for and allow for ICD-10 codes to be sent.
Begin by clicking on the Properties tab on the left-hand side of TRAKnet. This will open the list of all properties.
Next, click on Insurance. This will open your Insurance screen.
In the search box, type in the name of the insurance company you would like to send ICD-10 codes to, then click search. The insurance company will be listed.
Double-click on the insurance company to open the Modify Insurance window.
Click on the Claim Details tab to open the insurance settings. The first setting listed will say "Send ICD10 Codes." This is a True or False setting. Set this to True for any insurance company you would like to test with.
Click Save.
This insurance company will now receive ICD-10 codes rather than ICD-9 codes.
Note: If you need to send ICD-9 codes to this insurance instead you must modify the insurance, following the above steps once more, and revert this setting back to False. Also note that this must be done on an insurance by insurance basis. As ICD-10 becomes more widely used and there are no issues going forward, this will be defaulted. For now you must manually change this setting per insurance company.
Adding ICD-10 Codes to a Claim
Now that all setup has been completed, you may begin adding ICD-10 codes to your claim. You will want to select a patient with the insurance company you turned ICD-10 on for and create an encounter to begin.
Once you have created the encounter, click on the Diagnosis tab to begin adding diagnoses to the patient's chart.
To add ICD-10 codes, click on the SmartSheet10 tab. All SmartSheets you have created in the SmartSheet10 system will appear on this screen.
Click on the drop-down menu to open the list of all SmartSheets you have created. Select your desired SmartSheet10 and the list of codes will load.
To add an ICD-10 code, click the Select button next to a code. This will open a Select ICD-10 Code window where you will be prompted to select the most specific code available. You will know the most specific code has been selected when the code is green. Note: If a code has a 7th character required, a pop-up window will appear prompting for this character as soon as the code is selected. Otherwise, in the case of codes such as a bunion code, you will need to select the correct lateral code.
Note: For the time being, the Invoice tab will display the ICD-9 pointers. This is because ICD-10 is not fully live yet. To confirm that ICD-10 is in your claim, go to the Claim Details tab of the Invoice and click on the ANSI 837 preview. The ICD-10 codes will be visible in the 2300 Claim Information HI loop.
Uploading a Test File to TriZetto
After you have created a series of claims using the above steps, you will need to upload your test file to your TriZetto website.
To Export your test file, go to the Billing Dashboard > Claims screen in TRAKnet. Check the box next to each claim you would like to export for testing, then click Export at the top of the screen.
You will be prompted to now save the file to a location on your hard-drive. Save the file in a location you can easily access when uploading the file (we recommend leaving the name of the file to the default).
After you have exported the file, you may follow the steps on the TriZetto Provider Solutions website to finalize your ICD-10 testing. Click here for more information.