Encounters Screen

This page will explain how to use the Encounter screen to filter, sort and search encounters.

Encounters Screen


The encounters screen is a component of the Billing Dashboard. Featuring a variety of sorting, search and filtering options, the encounters screen serves as the primary starting point in a billing workflow. Claim scrubbing and review will primarily be completed on the encounter screen.

A description of all filters and columns on this screen will follow.


The encounters listed on the Encounters screen display the following information at a glance. To open an encounter for review, either double click on that encounter or click Modify.

  • Note Date — The date of the visit.
  • Last Name, First Name — The patient's Last Name and First Name.
  • Provider — The rendering provider on the encounter.
  • Primary — The encounter's primary insurance.
  • Balance — The remaining balance on the encounter.
  • Charted — Whether or not the encounter is Signed. If no, it will say No with a red X. If yes, it will say the date charted with a green check mark.
  • Bill Ready — Whether or not the encounter is marked Bill Ready. If no, it will say No with a red X. If yes, it will say Yes with a green check mark.
  • Pat Resp — Whether or not the encounter is marked patient responsible. If no, it will say No with a red X. If yes, it will say the date charted with a green check mark.
  • Version — This column will show what version of TRAKnet the encounter was created in.
  • Diagnoses — This column will show what version of TRAKnet the Diagnoses were added in. There are several options: None - the encounter has no diagnoses; v3 only - the encounter as diagnoses that are present in 3.0; v2 only - the encounter has diagnoses that were entered in 2.0 and are only in 2.0; v2, v3 - the encounter has diagnoses that originated in 2.0 but have been converted to 3.0.
  • Facility — Where the encounter took place/the rendering facility.
  • Encounter No — The encounter number assigned to this encounter.
  • Template — The Template that was used in that encounter.
  • Secondary — The encounter's secondary insurance.
  • Tertiary — The encounter's tertiary insurance.


The Encounters screen contains several filtering drop-down menus and options that will allow the user to customize the list of encounters to see them how they want and in any combination they want. These filters are outlined below.

Any Provider

A drop-down box that contains all providers in the practice. "Any Provider" is the default and means All or No Filter.

Any Facility

A drop-down box that contains all facilities/locations in the practice. "Any Facility" is the default and means All or No Filter.

Search Fields

The third drop-down menu on this screen are the search criteria. This includes:

  • Encounter Number
  • Patients.LastName — Default.
  • Patients.FirstName

Search Fields Criteria

The forth drop-down menu on this screen are the search fields criteria - in other words, how are you searching. This includes:

  • Begins With — Default
  • Contains
  • Ends With
  • Equals


This filter determines how you see the date displayed - either the Note Date or the date Charted. If using Charted, only encounters marked Signed during that date range will appear.

Start Date and End Date

These options determine a date range of encounters to display.

Any Insurance

A drop-down box that contains the following filters:

  • Any Insurance — Default, means no filter.
  • No Insurance — Show encounters with no insurance.
  • Primary — Show encounters with a primary insurance set.
  • Secondary — Show encounters with both a primary and a secondary insurance set.
  • Tertiary — Show encounters with a primary, secondary and tertiary insurance set.

Any Insurance Type

A drop-down box that contains the various insurance types. This drop-down box expands on the Any Insurance filter and breaks this down further to a specific insurance type. For example, you could sort by Primary insurance and Insurance type of MB to find all Medicare Part B encounters.

This is disabled if Any Insurance or No Insurance is selected.

Charted, Bill Ready and Pat Resp

These drop-down boxes all contain:

  • Any — Default, meaning no filter.
  • Yes
  • No

These filters will sort to the encounters to show only those that are charted or not, bill ready or not, or patient responsible or not, based on the columns mentioned above.

Note that if the date filter for Charted is used, the Charted Yes/No drop-down will be disabled.

Min and Max Bal

These fields determine a minimum and/or a maximum balance for the encounters that display.

If Min does not equal 0 or Max does not equal 0 then all "No Charges" encounters will be excluded. If both are 0, then the "No Charges" encounters will be included.

If only the Max balance is set, then all encounter balances less than the max are returned.

If only the Min balance is set, then all encounter balances greater than the min are returned.

If both are set, then encounters in that range will be returned.

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