Encounter Volume by Location

The Encounter Volume by Location report is an Advanced Report which displays the number of encounters by location and by insurance class within a date range.


The Encounter Volume by Location report lists the number of encounters created at each location. Encounters will be grouped under a certain location based upon the Visit Facility on the encounter. The report will then break each location down further, listing the number of encounters by insurance class (e.g. Medicare Part B or Commercial Insurance).

The report displays the following information:

  • Location — The Visit Facility used on the encounter. The name of the location will display the Short Name (as found under Properties > Locations).
  • Insurance Class — A further breakdown of encounters by insurance class.
  • # of Encounters — The number of encounters seen at that location.


This report has two filters:

  • Start Date - The starting date for the report. This will default to today's date.
  • End Date - The ending date for the report. This will default to today's date.

Sample Report

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