This page will explain how to create a document header, otherwise known as a practice header.
What is a Document Header?
A document header is the header that will appear on all documents generated within TRAKnet 3.1. Headers typically contain the practice's name, street address, basic contact information, and the name of one or more of the physicians at the practice.
Accessing the Document Header
Document Headers, as most other forms in TRAKnet 3.1, is based off of a template. To access this template to make changes, click on the (UserName) in the upper right-hand corner of the screen, then select the Manage Templates option from the drop-down menu. On the Manage Templates screen, click on the TemplateType dropdown menu and select the Document Header template type. This will open your Document Header template.
Select the default practice header from the dropdown menu to begin modifying this template.
Modifying Your Document Header
As with all other templates in TRAKnet 3.1, the document header is a free-text document that functions similarly to any standard word processing document. You may use text, images, tables, and other word processing features to modify this document header.
Once you have finished making changes, you may rename the document header if you so chose; otherwise, click Update Template to save your changes.
Multiple Headers
You are able to create multiple document headers. To do so, either create a new template or copy an existing template and save the second template with a new name.
Inserting Document Header into Documents
If you only have one document header, this header will appear on all documents automatically. If you have more than one document header, however, you must manually insert this header into each template you wish the header to appear on.
To insert the document header, modify the template of the document the header will belong on, and click the Links tab. Under links, select Misc > Practice Header. If you have more than one header you will be asked to select which header you wish to insert. Once you are finished simply save your template and your header will appear each time you use this template.
Using the FacilityInfo Link
The FacilityInfo link, which can be found under the Miscellaneous menu of the Links tab when editing your document header, will reflect the name, address, phone number and fax number of the facility associated with the encounter. This means that you can create a single practice header for all of your templates and it will always display the correct information of the particular office you're charting for, which is especially useful for practices with multiple locations.