
The following page will demonstrate and explain how to use Dashboards in TRAKnet 3.1.

What is a Dashboard?

Dashboards are user specific workflow templates meant to present and collect patient data from the patient's chart view. They can be customized to reflect your workflow, existing patient intake forms and be tailored to fit a specific role in your practice. Highly customizable, dashboards help streamline the data entry process in your practice. Through Practicization™, your office can create and modify your dashboards to make your TRAKnet experience truly personal and customized.

Accessing Dashboards

Dashboards are the primary focal point to the Patient Chart tab in TRAKnet 3.1 which is accessible under the Workspace tab on the patient’s chart. The dashboard is the main (central) screen and default view after opening a patient’s chart. Each Dashboard view will contain various pieces of this information tailored to the specification of that dashboard.

To select a different dashboard, click on the drop down menu located in the upper left-hand corner of the dashboard tab and select your desired dashboard.

Setting a Default Dashboard

You may select a default Dashboard tailored specifically to your role in the practice. To do so, from the upper right-hand corner of TRAKnet, click (User Name) and select My Settings from the drop-down menu. This will open the My Application Settings screen. From here, the third selection in this list is the Default Dashboard selection. From the drop-down menu, choose which dashboard you would like as default, then click Update. Please note you may need to restart TRAKnet for these changes to take effect.

Adding a New Dashboard

There are two ways to create a new Dashboard in TRAKnet 3.1:

  1. From the upper right-hand corner of TRAKnet, click on (User Name), then select Manage Templates. From this screen, select “Dashboards” under the TemplateType drop-down menu and enter a Name for the new dashboard.
  2. From the Workspace tab of the patient’s chart, click the Edit button next to the Dashboard dropdown.

Upon making either selection, the Dashboard modifying screen will open. The Manage Templates screen for modifying a dashboard functions as most word processing software. You will be able to free type as needed, modify formatting such as font, font size, and alignment, as well as copy and paste any pre-existing documentation that you may already use in your office.

Adding Tables to a Dashboard

A common design aspect to Dashboard templates is the use of tables to streamline the presentation of information. To insert a table into your dashboard, from the menu along the top of the screen, click Table > Insert > Table.

You must then choose the appropriate number of Rows and Columns, and click OK.

You can format your Table by right-clicking the table and selecting Format Table. The Table Properties window allows you to select Frame, Background Color, Size and Formatting. Once the table has been inserted and formatted to your liking, you may insert text and Quick Links into the table rows and columns to organize the presented data.

Adding Quick Links

You will be able to add various links that will automatically populate the desired patient’s information into the dashboard, allowing you to verify patient specific information at a glance.

There are 5 groups of Quick Links located in the Links dropdown menu:

  • Patient Fields – These fields are used to populate patient information such as Age, DOB, and Name.
  • Patient Data – These fields will pull over medical information pertinent to the patient, such as Patient History, Lab Results, Active Medications and Allergies, and Primary Diagnosis.
  • Visit Fields – These fields will allow you to populate visit specific information, such as ROS, HPI, and more visit specific fields such as Visit Date, Problems, or Provider.
  • Misc. – These fields contain any information that is not patient or visit specific, such as Practice information and UserName fields.
  • Billing – These fields include billing related information such as Marital Status, Legal Representative, and Monthly Due Date.

To insert a quick link into the Dashboard template, place your cursor where you would like the data field to insert and click on the desired quick link from the menu on the right-hand side of the screen. Dashboards are intended to collect and present structured data. As a result, only Quick Links should be used when generating a dashboard; do not use any items under Fields. However, you can use Custom Links to serve this purpose. The template creation tipsheet has more information.

Editing Existing Dashboards

There are two different ways to edit an already existing dashboard:

  1. To modify an existing dashboard template from the Manage Templates screen, select “Dashboard” from the TemplateType drop down menu, then select the desired Dashboard template from the “Existing Template” drop down menu in the upper right-hand corner. To edit this template, click “Select” next to this drop-down menu.
  2. To modify the Dashboard template from the Workspace screen on the patient’s chart, select the dashboard from the drop down menu and click “Edit”. This will open the template editing screen. You can then make any modifications as need and click “Update Template” to save the changes to this template.

To make an updated copy of an existing template, click “Copy Template”. This will save the original version and create a new copy of your template. It is recommended to enter a new template name to differentiate these two templates in the drop down menu.

Sample Dashboards

Click on the images to view larger.
sampledashboard1.JPG sampledashboard2.JPG sampledashboard3.JPG

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