Creating a Claim

This page will demonstrate how to create an invoice, or claim, in TRAKnet 3.0.

Creating a Claim

TRAKnet 3.0 is a full practice management suite that seamlessly integrates scheduling, charting, billing, and more. A claim is a component of a patient Encounter. Each encounter contains tabs to navigate through different components of that Encounter.

The preferred method of creating an encounter is from the Scheduler. This method ensures that the date of service, place of service and rendering provider are correct (reflecting the date, location and provider the patient was scheduled with). To create an encounter from the scheduler, right- click on the appointment, and click “Create Encounter”.

An encounter can also be created by one of the following:

From the Scheduler, by clicking the “Encounter” button in the upper right-hand portion of the Scheduler.

From the Patient’s Chart, by clicking “New Encounter” in the right-hand portion of the screen.

Adding Diagnoses and Treatments

When the encounter opens:

From the top row of the encounter window, click the “Diagnosis” tab to open the Diagnosis window.

The Diagnosis window contains 4 sections:

On the right-hand side of the screen, SmartSheet10, ICD-9 Favorites, ICD-9 to ICD-10 GEMs and ICD-10 Search tabs allow you to look up various Diagnosis codes to be added to the encounter and patient’s chart.

Patient Diagnosis – displays previous and current diagnosis and allows you to Inactivate, Resolve and Add a diagnosis to current visit’s problems/diagnosis list by utilizing the button listed in the right-hand portion of the Diagnosis list.

Visit Problems displays selected diagnosis that have been added to this visit.

To add a diagnosis to the invoice, search for the desired diagnosis, then click “Add.” The diagnosis is now listed as one of the Visit Problems and patient diagnosis on the encounter and patient’s chart. You are able to create a favorites list of diagnoses codes for easy access going forward from this screen as well. Simply click the “Favor” button next to the desired diagnoses code and select which list you would like to add this favorite to: either your personal list of favorites or a practice-wide list.

The tab immediately next to Diagnosis is “Invoice,” where treatments, diagnoses pointers, and modifiers will be entered. Under this tab are several other tabs.



The invoice tab will be a view of all charges and all payment history for this patient. The Invoice tab has three views: Charges, Charges (Edit Mode), and Payments.

The Charges view will be where treatments are added. To add an additional charge to the invoice, type your code into the search box in the right-hand corner of the Invoice tab, or click the green plus sign. When on the Charges view, the History of patient charges will be displayed.

Once the treatment is added to the invoice, you may modify this treatment to add additional billing information by double-clicking on the treatment to open the Modify Patient Treatment window.

The Charges (Edit Mode) view will be where diagnoses and modifiers can be assigned to this treatment. To add these, click the drop-down menu beneath each respective column and select the available diagnoses pointer or modifier from the list. You may also tab through these selections with your keyboard. When on the Charges (Edit Mode) view, a read only display of the ICD-9 and ICD-10 diagnoses on this encounter.

Once you have finished making changes to the line item, click the “Save” button to save these changes. This must be clicked for each individual line item.

The Payments view will show all payments posted to that date of service. To add a new payment from the invoice, click the green dollar sign icon and select the type of payment you would like to add.

While on the payment’s view, the bottom portion of the screen will show all unapplied payments for this patient. You are then able to double-click on these payments to open the Apply Patient Payments window and apply the payments from the invoice.

Patient’s insurance information is displayed on the bottom of the screen and can be selected, changed and removed from here by clicking the name of the insurance or “Select” if no insurance is currently present.

The “Bill Ready” checkbox is located in the lower left-hand corner. Selecting a claim as “Bill Ready” puts the invoice in the “Claims” window to be sent.

“Date Responsible” checkbox is located next to the “Bill Ready” checkbox. If the patient is responsible for all charges/treatments incurred, this option can be selected to set the date responsible for all charges on the invoice.

The bottom right-hand corner of the screen will show the Subtotal, Tax, Total, Payments, and Balance of this encounter.

Printing an Invoice

To print the invoice, click on the Printer icon in the upper right-hand corner of the invoice screen. You will have two options:

  • Save to PDF
  • Send to Printer

Saving the file to a PDF will prompt the user to select a location on the harddrive to save to.

Sending the file to the printer will cause the invoice to print to the default printer on your PC. Please note that if no printer is set, you will not be able to print, and must set a default printer first.

Claim Details


The claim details tab under the Invoice tab will be where additional claim information can be added. This information includes information such as:

  • Referring Provider
  • Supervising Provider
  • Labs Charges
  • Accident information
  • Date Last Seen
  • Workmen’s Comp Information
  • Hospitalization Dates
  • Prior Authorization Number
  • CMS 1500 Box 19
  • CMS 1500 Box 10d

From the Claim Detail tab, you can also see the ANSI 837 Preview of the claim, the CMS 1500 Preview of the claim, and access the Claim Wizard.

Claim Wizard

The Claim Wizard allows you to split a claim. A claim may need to be split to send one line item to a different carrier than other line items (such as in the case of Medicare and DMERC). Upon completion of the claim, check “Bill Ready,” then click on the Claim Details tab, select “Claim Wizard”. The Claim Wizard window will open. Select the Destination, Output, Sequence and Place of Service from the dropdown menus. Check the lines you wish to send, then click “Send”. When using the Claim Wizard, please note that all treatments on this claim must be sent using this method.

Claim Check


After entering the invoices and diagnoses onto your claim, TRAKnet will provide a preliminary Claim Check feature that will scrub the claim for any immediate issues. This can be found on the Claim Check tab under the initial Invoice tab.
Items marked with a red “X” are major issues and will likely cause rejections. Items marked with a yellow exclamation mark are worth noting but are not as major. This list will indicate the Source of this error, telling you where to go to resolve the issue.

Claim History


The Claim History tab displays the payment history for the current encounter and allows the user to remove the claim history for re-submission of claims. It is important to keep claim history clean and up to date, because it is reflected on Aging and Pending Claims reports. For more information on Reports, please refer to our Reports portion of this guide. Once a claim history is removed, it is in a “hidden” state, and can be viewed by clicking the “Show Deleted” button in the top right corner of the window.

You may also print this list by clicking the Print button, add comments to a particular History line with the Comments button, and View the ANSI format of the claim as it was sent at that time with the View button. This view can be very useful for determining how a claim was sent as well, as the TRAKnet version number, user who sent the claim, and computer that sent the claim are all displayed here as well.

Additional Material

Related Pages

Sending a Claim
Posting Payments
Generating Patient Statements

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