This page will explain the Billing Dashboard tab, the primary screen for billing in TRAKnet 3.0.
Navigating the Billing Dashboard
The billing dashboard is designed to create a central location for all billing related tasks in your office. This tab can be accessed along the left-hand side of the screen and will contain your invoices, payments, statements, and reports. This will be where you review your invoices, send claims, and take in any additional payments.
The Encounters icon under the billing dashboard will list all encounters created for a given date range. You may change the date range on this screen by using the Date dropdown menus and selected your desired start date and end date.
To search for a specific patient’s encounter, enter the patient’s first name or last name in the search box along the top of the screen then click Search.
To show any deleted encounters, check the Show Deleted checkbox next to the date range and click the Refresh button along the top of the screen.
Various encounter information will be visible at a glance from this screen. The Note Date, Patient’s name, the Provider for the encounter, the Primary insurance, the encounter Balance, as well as what items have been completed for that encounter (Charting, Billing, is the encounter Patient Responsible) will all be listed in this window.
This screen utilizes a color-coding method to allow for easier organization at a glance. Items marked with the green check mark under the Charted or Bill Ready column will indicate to the user that these items are either charted or marked bill ready, respectively. As a result, this screen is the ideal workflow for a biller in an office, quickly showing at a glance what items are charted and need a bill created.
Encounters can be opened from this screen by double-clicking on the encounter you would like to open or by clicking on your desired encounter and selecting the “Modify” button in the upper left-hand portion of the screen.
Once the encounter has been opened, you will be able to work in the Invoice of this encounter to complete your billing. To save this screen, click “Save & Close.” You can open multiple encounters at one time from this window.
Beneath the Encounters icon is the Payments icon. This screen will allow you to take in Insurance, Patient, or Provider payments; view all payments entered into your system, both unapplied and applied; and apply payments to their related charges.
To add a new payment, click the Add Insurance, Add Patient, or Add Provider icons along the upper left-hand portion of the screen on the Payments window.
To read more about payments and the various types of payments, click here: Payments.
The Claims icon will open the Claims screen where all pending claims, sent claims, and downloaded remits will be accessible.
This screen has several different views:
- Claims Pending – Unsent – This view will show all claims that are still waiting to be sent. To select a claim to send, check the checkbox next to the desired claim. To select all claims to send, click the “Select” dropdown menu, then choose the claims you would like to send, such as all paper claims or all electronic claims.
- Claims Built – Unsent – This view will show all claims where the claim file has been created and that need to be sent.
- Claims Sent – This view will show a list of all claims that were sent and on what day. This view can be sorted by date range, sequence and output.
- Remits – Processed – This view will show all remits that were downloaded and properly posted.
- Remits – Not Processed – This view will show all remits that were downloaded and not posted.
- Patient Responsibility – This view will show all items that the system has flagged to be marked patient responsible. Items can be worked in this list by checking the box next to each item and clicking the “send” button.
To open a claim from this screen, double-click on the claim you wish to open. This will open the claim in a tab along the top of the screen. You can then review the invoice and claim information, access the patient’s chart with the “Go To Patient’s Chart” button, or preview the Claim Check tab to check for any preliminary errors on this claim. To return to the Claims queue, click the Claims tab at the top of the screen.
You can also preview the Charges, Payments and Claim History of a specific claim by clicking on the claim to highlight it and viewing the information on the bottom portion of the Claims window.
To send a claim from this list, check the box next to the claim and click Send. The Select dropdown menu will allow you to select all Paper, Electronic or None claims based on their Output. You may also Select All or Select None to either check or uncheck multiple claims at a time, respectively.
To change the output of a claim, check the checkbox next to the claim, and click the Change Output(s) to dropdown menu. You may then select the desired output to override the patient’s insurance setting permanently and change this claim’s output.
The Claims list can be printed with the “print” button and refreshed with the “Refresh” button.
You may also access the Gateway EDI website with the Gateway EDI icon in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
See also:
Creating a Claim
Sending a Claim
Denial Management
The Denial Management icon will open the Denial Management screen where Denials can be worked and sent
The Denial Queue - After a denied claim has been marked "denied," that claim will appear in the denial claims queue. When in the denial claims screen under the Billing Dashboard, you will notice two views. These are:
- Denial Pending - Unsent — This view will display all denial claims that are ready to be worked, and have no resubmission history.
- Denial Sent — This view displays all denial claims that have been successfully sent. It will show the date sent, the note date, patient information, balance information, insurance, the method of how it was sent, who sent it, what the batch number was, and which computer the claims were sent from.
Sorting the Denial Claims Queue - The Denial Pending - Unsent view is the view that will primarily be used when working/sending out a denial claim batch. On this view, there are several filtering and sorting options that will allow the user to see only certain claims.
Claims can be sorted by:
- Date Range, based on Note Date
- Sequence, such as Primary, Secondary, or Tertiary
- Output, such as paper, electronic, or none
- Positive Balances Only
You can select all items in the denied claims queue based on their output with the "Select" drop-down menu and the related criteria.
Sending Denied Claims
Send (Resubmit Claim)
- When sending a denied claim you will have two options:
To send denied claims, simply check the box next to the denied claim you wish to send and click Send. These denied claims will be placed in one denied claims batch file before being sent to the clearinghouse to be forwarded to the payers.
Send Secondary/PR-RSP
- The Send Secondary/PR-RSP button is designed to skip over resubmitting the claim. When selecting this option TRAKnet will build a secondary claim to submit to Availity or if the encounter/patient does not have a secondary insurance TRAKnet will mark the claim as patient responsible for you.
After sending denied claims, we recommend clicking the Clearinghouse icon to navigate to your CLearinghouse website portal and then clicking the Confirm File Delivery option to ensure your denied claim file is received. Please wait 5-10 minutes for this to process.
See also:
Denial Management
The Statements icon will open a list of all outstanding balances and allow for statements to be generated for your patients. This screen has several features and options that allow you to generate statements in a variety of ways.
To select or deselect multiple statements to print at once, click the “Select” button, then select All or None from the dropdown menu.
To open a patient’s chart from the statement screen, click on the desired patient in the list of statements, then click the “Chart” button in the upper left-hand corner.
The Print button will allow you to print the selected statements.
The Export button will upload your statements to your clearing house for printing.
The Reset Filters button will reset any changes made to the filters back to their defaults, as specified in Tools, Options, Patient Statements.
The Refresh button will refresh the list of statements to reflect changes made to your search parameters.
The Min. Bal. and Max. Bal. menus will allow you to select a minimum and a maximum balance to generate a statement for.
The Days Past Due dropdown menu will allow you to generate statements that are after a certain period of time past due.
The Days Since Last Statement box will allow you to generate all statements that have passed a certain period of days since the last statement was generated.
The Monthly Due Date dropdown menu will allow you to select a date, bringing up a list of all patient’s statements who have a due date of the given day.
The Last Name dropdown menu will allow you to search by the first letter of a patient’s last name.
The Remit To dropdown menu will allow you to print only statements for patients who are located at a specific facility.
The Hide Statements button will hide the Print Preview of the statement on the right-hand side of the screen.
The Unapplied Payments Only checkbox will show only those payments that have not been applied.
The Collections icon will open the Collections module in TRAKnet.
The Reports icon will open the list of all billing reports available in the basic version of TRAKnet 3.0.