This page will explain how to use the Batch Print Superbills feature in TRAKnet.
Batch Printing Superbills
Superbills can be printed in a batch from TRAKnet to allow the user to print superbills based on the scheduled appointments for any given day. This tool allows the user to print superbills based on both who the appointment is scheduled with and what room the patients are assigned to.
To access the Batch Print Superbills window, click on Tools in the upper left-hand corner of TRAKnet and click on Batch Print Superbills. This will open the below window:
There are three different filtering options when printing batch superbills:
- Select a Date — What date do you want to print the superbills for? Remember, this pulls from the Scheduler, so this will pull any appointments scheduled for that day.
- Appointments Scheduled For — Any room, user, or provider who has "Allow Scheduling" set to True will appear in this drop-down menu. Selecting a room, user, or provider will cause the Batch Print Superbills tool to print superbills for only that room, user or provider, rather than all appointments for the entire day. This will default to "Show All."
- Assigned To Room — Setting a room in this drop-down menu will print the superbills of all patients who are scheduled for that day and that have been assigned to a particular room using the "assign to room" feature on the scheduler. Rooms will only appear in this drop-down menu as a possible option of that room has at least one patient assigned to it already for that day.
To print a superbill batch, click the Submit button. This will open the Superbill Batch window where the user can select which superbill template they would like to use for these batch printed superbills.
Once a decision has been made, click Print to print these superbills to the computer's default printer.
Modifying the Superbill Template
To modify the superbill template, click on the (UserName) drop-down menu in the upper right-hand portion of TRAKnet, then click Manage Templates. The template type for Superbills is called "Superbills."