This page will explain how to use the batch print encounters tool to export or print multiple encounter records at once.
Batch Print Encounters
The batch print encounters tool in TRAKnet is a screen meant to allow the user to print or export to a .pdf file a batch of encounter notes. This tool can be used in a variety of ways and filtered in a variety of methods to bring up specific encounters by filters such as date range, patient information, and provider.
Accessing Batch Print Encounters
To access the batch print encounters screen, click on the Tools drop-down menu in the upper left-hand corner of TRAKnet, then select Batch Print Encounters. This will open the Print Encounters Batch screen.
Navigating and Using the Batch Print Tool
The batch print encounters screen is broken into several components: a drop-down menu, a list of filters, a list of the encounters returned in the search results, and a print preview of the encounter selected.
The batch print encounters tool will generate a list of encounters based on the following filters:
- First Name, Last Name — The patient's name.
- Acct # — The patient's account number.
- Phone — The patient's phone number.
- SSN — The patient's social security number.
- City, State, Zip — The patient's address information.
- Provider — This drop-down menu determines the rendering provider on the encounters.
- Facility — This drop-down menu determines the facility on the encounters.
- Insurance — This drop-down menu determines the insurance on the encounters.
- Exam Date From — The start date for a date range.
- Exam Date To — The end date for a date range.
- Not Printed Only — Checking this checkbox will filter out all encounters that have already been printed.
- Not Exported Only — Checking this checkbox will filter out all encounters that have already been exported.
- Charted — A drop down to select the charted status of the encounters, selecting this will filter according to the option selected.
- Bill Ready — A drop down to select the Bill Ready status of the encounters, selecting this will filter according to the option selected.
- Show Deceased — Checking this checkbox will include encounters for patients that are Deceased.
- Show Inactive — Checking this checkbox will include encounters for patients that are Inactive.
- Deleted Encounters — Checking this checkbox will include encounters that are deleted.
- Select All Patients — Checking this checkbox will include all patients in the search.
Search Results
After using the above filters to generate a list of encounters, the encounters will appear as a list in the right-hand portion of the print encounters batch screen. This encounters will display the below information at a glance:
- Select — Check this box to select this encounter as one to be printed or exported.
- Date — The date of the encounter.
- Finished — The date the encounter was signed.
- Printed — Whether or not the encounter has been printed before.
- Last Exported — The date the encounter was exported last.
- Patient — The name of the patient on the encounter.
- Provider — The name of the provider on the encounter.
- Facility — The name of the facility on the encounter.
- Dxs — The number of diagnoses on the encounter.
- Txs — The number of treatments on the encounter.
- Insurances — The number of insurances on the encounter.
Print Preview
To view a print preview of an encounter, click on the encounter in the search results so it is highlighted. The print preview will appear in the bottom portion of the window.
To view a full screen version of the print preview, check the "Pop Out" button on the print preview.
Options Menu
The options menu in the upper left-hand corner of the batch print encounters screen will determine what will happen with the encounters that have been selected from the results list. The options include:
- Print — This will print every encounter note that is checked off in the search results.
- Print Preview — This will show a print preview of every encounter that is checked off in the search results.
- Export — There are several different options for exporting encounters. These are:
- Export > Encounter to File — This will export all selected encounters into a .rtf file.
- Export > Encounter to PDF — This will export all selected encounters into a .pdf file.
- Export > Superbill to File — This will export the superbill of all selected encounters into a .rtf file.
- Export > Superbill to PDF — This will export the superbill of all selected encounters into a .pdf file.
- Export > Superbill to XML — This will export the superbill of all selected encounters into a .xml file.
To start a new search with different criteria, click Clear. To close the batch print encounters tool, click the X in the upper right-hand portion of the screen.