This archived page is meant to serve as a basic information page for Meaningful Use, the primary Medicare reimbursement program prior to 2017. For more information on the Medicare reimbursement program for 2017 and onward, see MIPS.
Table of Contents
What is Meaningful Use?
Meaningful Use is a government incentive program developed by CMS to help better patient care. Meaningful Use is comprised of several "stages," of increasing difficulty, each of which contains a set of criteria that must be met by eligible providers and hospitals to ensure successful completion of Meaningful Use. Currently, up to Stage 2 has been released, although the proposed plan for Stage 3 is currently in its comment period.
Failure to comply with Meaningful Use will mean a percentage deduction on all Medicare payments beginning in 2015.
To determine whether or not you are eligible to participate, check the CMS website on eligibility.
To read more about getting started with Meaningful Use, check out the Getting Started guide on the CMS website.
TRAKnet and Meaningful Use
TRAKnet Version 3.0 is 2014 certified software and eligible for use for the successful completion of Meaningful Use Stage 1 and Stage 2.
The TRAKnet 3.0 certification number is: 1314E01PDRI2EAN.
After succesfully completing the required reporting period for Meaningful Use, you must attest to your completion. The Attestation User Guide provided by CMS will assist you with this process.
TRAKnet also offers a consulting service that will walk you through the attestation process, known as Attestation Made Easy. For more information please contact our sales team at moc.snoitulostenkart|selas#moc.snoitulostenkart|selas.
Meaningful Use Guides
As of 10/8/2015, CMS has passed a rule that changes the measures of Meaningful Use for 2015. Please refer to this webinar, hosted by Collaborative Practice Solutions, for the most recent information on meaningful use. For the written guide to the Stage 2 Revision, please click here: Stage 2 Revision. The below information is ARCHIVED.
Please find the below guides for Meaningful Use Stages 1 and 2 as well as a collection of common Meaningful Use terminology.