This report will show any appointments where the patient has an outstanding balance. The balance only includes for patient responsible charges or unapplied payments, it does not including any charges that are still insurance pending.
Summary – shows each user and/or room and the number of appointments that have balances and the total of all the outstanding balances for those appointments.
Detailed – breaks down each user and/or room and list each appointment that has an outstanding balance below them. It will list the appointment date, appointment reason, patient, account number, birthdate, phone number and the outstanding balance.
Date Range – can be set to a specific date range and include all appointments during the specified range.
Show Positive Balances – if “True” is selected, appointments where the patient has an overall credit on their account will appear in the report.
Locations – only the appointments scheduled under the room(s) of the specified location(s) will appear.
Provider – only the appointments scheduled under the specified provider(s) will appear.
Sample Reports