This page will demonstrate how to add a user record to TRAKnet 3.0. This is a necessary step when setting up TRAKnet for initial use.
What is a User?
A user is an account that will allow that individual to log in to TRAKnet. Users must be created before an individual can use the software and will contain a variety of information, such as: address, provider identification numbers, permission controls, and demographics.
Where to Find Users
Users are added under the Properties tab, accessible from the left-hand side of TRAKnet. Once under Properties, click on the Users subcategory to open the list of users. Click Show All and Refresh this page to populate the full list of current users in TRAKnet.
Adding a User Account
You will need to create a User login for all office staff and providers.
To add a new user to the system, click the Users header, then click the green “Add” button in the upper left-hand portion of this screen. This will open the User/Provider editor window. Information on this screen will be entered into one of several different categories.
User/Provider Editor Window
This category will include all general information about a user in the practice, such as full name, title, address, and phone. A breakdown of the demographics category follows:
- User Role - The users role in the practice
- Options: Physician, Nurse Practitioner, Physician Assistant, Office Manager, Medical Assistant, Front Office, Billing, Therapist
- NPI — The provider's National Provider Identifier number. This number is the "trigger" for TRAKnet to know this user is a provider.
- First Name, Middle Name, Last Name — First name and last name are required fields.
- User Name — The username that will display in the upper-right hand corner of TRAKnet. A short name to identify the user, this must be unique. A required field.
- Initials — The users initials, optional.
- Title — The users title, such as DPM.
- Address, Address 2 — Lines for address information. For providers, should be the practice. For all other users, it can be used to track records for employees, but is optional.
- City, State, Zip Code — As with address, this should be the practice's information. The zip code should be the full 9 digit zip code. For all other users, this can be used to track employee records, but is optional.
- Phone, Alternate Phone — Can be used to track phone numbers of these users.
- E-mail — Can be used to record the e-mail address of this user.
- Default User Access - This section will enable the user to select what location they go to when opening TRAKnet.
- Options: Scheduler, Patient Chart, Task List, and Billing Dashboard
- Default User Access (Billing) - If the user has Billing Dashboard selected they will have the ability to default where they would like to be taken to when logging in.
- Options: Encounters, Payments, Claims, Denials, Statements, Collections, and Reporting
- Date Employed — A dropdown menu where the date this user became employed can be entered.
- Date Terminated — A dropdown menu where the date this user was terminated can be entered. This should be set on any user who is no longer at the office, as it will prevent logging in.
- Group Name — Where the user group can be denoted, such as providers, or office staff.
- Allow Scheduling — This option will determine if this user can have appointments scheduled to it. For non-providers, this should be set to False. It will default to True.
- Password — Passwords are required fields. They must be at least six characters in length and contain a number and letter.
- Admin User — Sets the user as an Admin user.
Provider Info
This category will contain all information that denotes a user as a Provider in TRAKnet. Information such as Specialty, Taxonomy Code, NPI, and license will be entered here. The NPI number will be the determining factor that indicates this user is a provider; that is, the presence of an NPI number will tell the system this user should be treated as a provider.
- Specialty — This category is the Provider's Specialty, e.g. Podiatrist.
- Taxonomy Code — A code which will categorize the specialty of the provider.
- SSN — The provider's Social Security Number.
- UPIN — The provider's Unique Physician Identifier Number.
- License — The provider's Medical License number.
- DPS — The provider's Department of Public Safety identification number.
- CLIA — The Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendment Number. 10 characters in length.
- Bako Physician Code — The provider's Bako Pathology identification code.
- AMA Code — The provider's code for the American Medication Association.
- Spectacle URL — The URL provided by 20/20 Imaging for Opal-RAD integration.
- Superbill — The Provider's default electronic superbill.
- SOF — A true or false field, meaning Signature on File.
Practice Info
This category is relevant specifically to providers and will contain billing information, such as box 33b on the CMS 1500 form. This information will automatically pull from your practice’s general information, found under Options, My Practice. To override these settings for a specific provider in the office, select “False” next to Use Practice Defaults and manually enter the appropriate address information.
User Permissions
The permissions tab along the top of the User/Provider editor screen will allow for certain user permissions to be set. These permissions will allow for additional security within TRAKnet to protect sensitive data.
- Adjust Drug Notifications — The ability to adjust the severity of Drug-to-Drug and Drug-to-Allergy interactions within the e-prescribing and Medications window in TRAKnet 3.0.
- Advanced Data Management Platform — The ability to view the Advanced Data Management Platform reports found in the Billing Dashboard's Reports tab.
- Batch Insurance Eligibility — The ability to use the Batch Eligibility button on the scheduler, which updates appointments to reflect the patient's active eligibility. Updating this information nay cause TRAKnet to run slow for several minutes.
- Batch Print Encounters — The ability to view and access the Batch Print Encounters menu found under Tools.
- Billing -– The ability to access various billing windows throughout TRAKnet 3.0.
- Charting -– The ability to access various charting windows throughout TRAKnet.
- Code Audit Compliance — The ability to view the practice's Code Audit Compliance report, located at the top toolbar in TRAKnet 3.0.
- Locations –- The ability to manage the Locations found within the Properties tab.
- Merging -– The ability to merge data in the TRAKnet 3.0 application.
- My Practice Report Card — The ability to view the practice's My Practice Report Card, located in the top toolbar in TRAKnet 3.0.
- Patient Portal — The ability to view the Patient Portal, located in the top toolbar in TRAKnet 3.0.
- Patients -– The ability to have access to and manage patient data, including patient charts.
- Referral Letters -– The ability to view, create and print referral letters.
- Referring Providers –- The ability to manage the Referring Providers list found in the Properties tab.
- Reminders –- The ability to add, change, and view reminders.
- Remove and Restore -– The ability to remove and restore data from all applicable screens in TRAKnet.
- Reports –- The ability to view specific reports in the reports window. To remove access to a specific report, uncheck the box next to that report; otherwise, access to all reports can be removed.
- Scheduling –- The ability to view and access the scheduler and schedule appointments.
- System Tools — The ability to view and access the Properties tab, Audit Logs, the Options Menu, as well as the ability to perform database backups.
- Time Clock — The ability to view and access the Time Clock Management window, as well as the ability to modify and delete time records from the My Time Clock Report window.
- Users –- The ability to manage the users and their permissions.
- Comments –- The comments tab along the top of the Users/Providers editor window will allow for any additional comments about this user. These can be viewed at a glance while in the list of all users under the user’s name.
- View All Tasks — The ability to view the All Tasks group in the Task List.
The e-Prescribing tab is where the user's permission to propose or respond to a change in a provider's e-Prescribing credentials. After the user has been saved with an NPI number, this tab will also reflect the current status of their e-Prescribing credentials.
The comments tab is where general information about this user can be documented. It is a free text field.
Finalizing a User Account
To save a user after they have been added, click “Save” in the upper right-hand portion of the User/Provider editor window. This User will now be listed under the Users category in Properties.
The Rendering/Ordering subcategory of the Users section of Properties will specifically list only those users who are providers in TRAKnet. Providers are indicated by the presence of an NPI number in their user profile.
Terminating a User
Marking a user as being terminated is a way to prevent access to the program to users no longer authorized within your office. If a date in the future is set, that user will have the ability to log into the program until their date terminated. If a present or past date is selected, their name will simply not appear under Users when logging into the program. Terminated providers can still be used on invoices and will still appear in billing reports. It is recommended that if a provider leaves the practice for any reason that they are not deleted and instead are marked as terminated.