This page will demonstrate how to add a patient record to TRAKnet 3.1.
Adding a Patient
There are several ways to add a new patient to your TRAKnet database:
- From the scheduler, utilizing a new patient appointment type. More information regarding scheduling an appointment can be found in our Scheduling portion of this guide.
- From the menu bar along the top of TRAKnet 3.1, clicking the blue “Add New Patient” link.
- From the patient search, in the top-left corner click the Add button.
Any method will then pop up the Patient Editor window.
Patient Editor
The patient editor window will allow you to add all preliminary information about a patient into your database to make them active. This window will be broken down into various categories based upon the pieces of information which are contained therein.
The required fields to save a patient into your database are marked with an asterisk. These fields are: First Name, Last Name, Birthdate, Sex, Account No, and Zip Code. A breakdown of all fields follows.
The Demographics category in the Patient Editor window will contain all basic information about the patient. This information is as follows:
- First Name, Middle Name, Last Name — Patient's first, middle and last name. First and last are required.
- Previous Name - Any previous legal names.
- Suffix - Any patient suffixes.
- Preferred Name/NickName - Any preferred patient nicknames.
- Use Preferred Name? - Setting this to True will replace the patient's legal first name with their preferred name in various parts of TRAKnet. The legal first name will be displayed in parentheses next to the preferred name.
- Mother's Maiden Name - Patient's mother's maiden name.
- Multiple Birth Indicator - Setting this to True indicates that the patient was part of a multiple birth.
- Birth Order - Patient's birth order.
- Generation – Any additional generational information pertinent to this patient may be entered here (e.g., I - First, II – Second, Jr. - Junior)
- Birthdate and Age – Birthdate is a required field. Age will populate automatically based on the birthdate entered.
- Date Deceased – This field can be marked to indicate a patient is deceased. Marking this field will remove this patient from all future patient searches in your database.
- Sex – Patient's sex. A required field.
- Sexual Orientation — Patient's sexual orientation.
- Sexual Orientation - Other — If patient's sexual orientation is documented as 'Other', specify here.
- Gender Identity — Patient's gender identity. Multiple options may be set.
- Gender Identity - Other — If patient's gender identity is documented as 'Other', specify here.
- SSN – The patient’s social security number.
- Account No. – The patient’s account number in TRAKnet. This is randomly generated automatically upon opening the Patient Editor window but may be changed from this screen.
- Street Address 1, Street Address 2, City, State, Zip Code — Address information. Zip Code is required.
- Home Phone – Patient's home phone.
- Work Phone — Patient's work phone.
- Cell Phone — Patient's cell phone.
- Preferred Phone Number — Specifies whether the Home Phone, Work Phone or Cell Phone is the patient's preferred contact. This is the phone number that is displayed when searching for patients.
- E-Mail – Patient email can be entered here for documenting purposes.
- Direct E-Mail — Patient's direct email.
- Non-Patient — Setting this to True indicates that this is not a clinical patient. This setting is usually reserved for legal guardians that are not seen by the practice.
- Inactive — Setting this to True indicates that a patient is no longer active in the system. They will be excluded from all searches but the Advanced Search.
- Date Inactivated — The date the patient was inactivated. Setting the patient to inactive will default this date to today's date, which can then be changed.
This field will allow you to record the patient’s ethnicity information. This is required for Meaningful Use. There are two possible settings:
- Declined — Setting this to True indicates the patient fails or denies to disclose their Ethnicity.
- Not Hispanic or Latino — Setting this to True indicates the patient is not Hispanic or Latino.
- Hispanic or Latino — Specifies the patient's Hispanic or Latino Ethnicity. Multiple options may be set.
This field is for selecting the primary language of the patient. This is required for Meaningful Use. There are two possible settings:
- Declined — Setting this to True indicates the patient fails or denies to disclose their primary language.
- Primary — Specifies the patient's primary language.
This field is for selecting the specified race of the patient. This is required for Meaningful Use. There are several possible settings. All are true or false.
- Declined — Setting this to True indicates the patient fails or declines to disclose their race.
- American Indian or Alaska Native — Specifies the patient's American Indian or Alaska Native race. Multiple options may be set.
- Asian — Specifies the patient's Asian race. Multiple options may be set.
- Black or African American — Specifies the patient's Black or African American race. Multiple options may be set.
- Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander — Specifies the patient's Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander race. Multiple options may be set.
- White — Specifies the patient's White race. Multiple options may be set.
- Other Race — Setting this to True indicates that the patient's Race is Other.
This section is dedicated to entering specific billing information for this patient. This information includes the following:
- Release of Information — Two options: Y = Yes, Provider has a Signed Statement Permitting Release of Medical Billing Data Related to a Claim; or I = Informed Consent to Release Medical Information for Conditions or Diagnoses Regulated by Federal Statutes.
- Marital Status — Patient's marital status. D = Divorced, M = Married, P = Partner, S = Single, U = Unknown, W = Widowed, X = Legally Separated
- Student Status — Patient's student status. F = Full-Time Student, P = Part-Time Student, N = Not a Student.
- Employment Status — Patient's employment status. 1 = Full-Time Employment, 2 = Part-Time Employment, 3 = Not Employed.
- Employer – Patient's employer.
- Legal Representative – The legal representative of your patient will need to be entered into your database as a patient themselves before becoming available for selection.
- Minimum Payment – This specific patient’s minimum payment when making payments to the office.
- Monthly Due Date – This specific patient’s monthly due date for statements.
- Statement Message – A message specific to this patient that will print on all patient statements printed for this patient.
- Send Statement – Setting this to “False” will prevent this patient from receiving a statement. Among other reasons, this should be set to False when a patient is a minor or when a patient is in Collections.
- Hold Charges From and Hold Charges To – These dates will select a period of time during which to hold all charges for this patient. If a date is entered, the patient will not receive a statement during the selected date range.
- Date to Collections – Selecting a date here will indicate that this patient has been put into collections and when.
- Collection Agency — If a patient has been put into collections, the collection agency they are with will be located here. Click the "…" to update this information manually.
This section can be used to indicate how the patient heard about your office (e.g., newspaper ad, website, etc.)
- Referral — The method of referral, e.g. Newspaper, Patient, Provider, Radio. Click the "…" to populate.
- Description — A free text field meant for additional information about the referral.
You can add new Marketing Referral values to your database manually, under the Property Values screen.
The Other category can be used to fill out any miscellaneous information about the patient. This information includes the following:
- Send Medication History – Setting this to True means the patient has given their permission to send a request for their medication history to SureScripts.
- Make CCDA Viewable by Default - Setting this to True means the CCDA will be made viewable by default when Signing an encounter.
- Make Visit Note Viewable by Default - Setting this to True means the Visit Note will be made viewable by default when Signing an encounter.
- Source of Payment – The expected source of payment for the services rendered.
- Primary Physician – The patient’s primary care provider.
- Date Last Seen — Click the drop-down menu to populate with the patient's date last seen.
- Date of Illness — Date of current illness.
- Last Encounter – The date of the last encounter. Once populated one time, this will automatically populate as encounters are created.
- Referring Provider – The provider who referred the patient.
- Default Facility – The Default Facility where this patient is seen.
- Room Number – The room number the patient is seen in, where it applies.
- Referral Scheduled Appointments - Appointments scheduled for patient during the referral authorization period
- Referral Checked-In Appointments - Appointments where the patient was checked-in during the referral authorization period
- Emergency Contact – The emergency contact for this patient.
- Emergency Phone – The emergency phone number for this patient.
The Preferences section will allow for the patient’s preferred method of contact to be set.
- Contact via Telephone — A true or false setting.
- Allowed Telephone Contacts — Who should a message be left with. Patient only, patient and/or spouse, son/daughter, or anyone answering the phone.
- Contact via Mail — A true or false setting.
- Contact via E-Mail — A true or false setting.
- Contact via SMS — A true or false setting.
The Comments tab in the Patient Editor window will allow you to make any additional internal comments regarding this patient. This tab is a free text box.
Finalizing the Patient
To save a patient into your database, click “Save” in the upper right-hand corner of the Patient Editor screen. Saving the patient will then automatically open this patient’s chart on the Patient Chart tab of TRAKnet 3.1. To learn more about navigating the patient’s chart screen, move to the Navigating the Patient’s Chart section of this guide.
Related Pages
Searching for a Patient
Navigating the Patient's Chart